Autohotkey multiple keys Post by drjolokia » Sun Jan 10, 2016 11:55 pm Thank You. To repeat a keystroke: Enclose in braces the name of the key followed by the number of times to repeat it. So I need the following keys to save state across Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1. More direct methods tend to work only in particular types of app. I haven't tested it myself, but if that hotkey is important to you, then it might be worth trying! Autohotkey multiple hotkeys mapping to the same function. 9 posts • Page 1 of 1. This is a place to get help with AHK, programming logic, syntax, design, to get feedback, or just to rubber duck. Ask Question Asked 8 years, 10 months ago. From reading the docs, I thought this would work: #n&o::Run Notepad However it gives me Error: Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1. Whenever I try to create to create it- I can only manage to ever get one key at a time working . Learn how to send keystrokes or text with AutoHotkey. 3 posts • Page 1 of 1. 1 and older) Ask for Help (v1) Gaming Help (v1) It is currently Thu Dec 19, 2024 8:18 pm; All times are UTC; Macro for sending multiple keys while a button is pressed. Post by donsonmd » Sat Mar 09, 2024 3:36 pm That's amazing! AHK has a built-in variable for both prior key and prior hotkey. AutoHotKey two keys for one. KeyWait - for multiple keys. I am looking for a script that repeats 1, f1 and f that will start when I press f9 and it will stop when I press f10. donsonmd Posts: 55 Joined: Sun Feb 19, 2017 10:57 am. Activating a command after several sequential key presses? 1. F12:: { Loop { Send {I} KeyWait, F12 Send {U} KeyWait, F12 Send {A} KeyWait, F12 Send {L} To repeat a keystroke: Enclose in braces the name of the key followed by the number of times to repeat it. 1 and older) Ask for Help (v1) It is currently Tue Dec 31, 2024 4:42 am; All times are UTC; Sending Multiple Special Keys with ControlSend. However, I found this class that claims to. ahk file will type "Hello" and then hit enter when you hit 1 on your numpad: . . whats_up Posts: 91 Joined: Sun Apr 29, 2018 10:09 am. 17 posts • Page 1 of 1. AutoHotkey To wait for two or more keys to be released, use KeyWait consecutively. scripting multiple keys onto 1 button? - posted in Ask for Help: *XButton1:: If !GetKeyState(XButton1,p) return SendInput, {blind}{F12} SetTimer, *XButton1, -200 SendInput returnthis is an old script i made that makes it so my mouse4 spams F12 every 200ms when i hold it down. 5 posts • Page 1 of 1. Remapping keys using autohotkey. Arbaz Posts: 7 Joined: Mon Mar 20, 2017 6:33 pm. It can be set to either 1 or 0. Keywait for multiple keys? - posted in Ask for Help: Hey everyone, Im trying to make a script wait for Left Control + Left Mouse Click I tried: KeyWait, {LCtrl}, {LButton} Input,,,{LCtrl}{LButton} Keywait ^LButton to no avail. Send +{TAB 4} ; Presses Shift-Tab 4 times. I want to send LCtrl + LShift + ~ to a specific window and then wait like 10 milliseconds and then send a string of text, wait another 10 milliseconds and then send the Enter key. The script that you have is similar, but you would need to change the keys listed so that they match your sequence. #Persistent #IfWinActive, RIFT SetTitleMatchMode, 3 SetKeyDelay, -1 Thread, Multiple Hot Keys - posted in Ask for Help: I am still learning about hot keys so please bear with me. 1 and older) Ask for Help (v1) It is currently Sun Dec 22, 2024 12:36 pm; All times are UTC; Press multiple keys down - One Key has a delay. It also has a small delay (120 ms by default) before sending a character, but The following script uses KeyWait to handle multiple keys. AutoHotKey remapping to Shift+Win. How to write a script that creates Assign F12 multiple keys - posted in Ask for Help: Hi, Im trying to get F12 to press a set of keys one at a time when I press F12 i. I'm attempting to send three keys (Alt, Shift, Q) at same time using this script: :*:pk:: ; Send, {AltDown}{ShiftDown}{qDown} return When I run this is it does not release the keys, it seems like the Alt button remains pressed. So in other words, it does not wait for multiple keys to be released; each KeyWait call waits until one specific key is in a given state. AutoHotkey (v2, current version) ↳ Ask for Help (v2) ↳ Gaming Help (v2) ↳ Scripts and Functions (v2) ↳ Gaming Scripts (v2) Press one Key Send Multiple Keys - posted in Ask for Help: My goal here is to press one key that would send multiple keys to other clients. Autohotkey - hotkey 1 do something, key sequence 11 do another thing. How to Register Multiple Key Presses? Post by Cringeworthy » Sun Jul 23, 2023 12:08 pm Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1. yfjuu6 Posts: 140 Joined: Fri Apr 28, 2023 8:28 pm. To always perform a logical left click, Go to AutoHotkey r/AutoHotkey. Be sure you read the rules, read the sticky, keep your AHK up to date, be clear about what you need help with, and keywait multiple keys support - posted in Suggestions: Keywait can currently only check for 1 key, I would like to see it be able to check for more. Send multiple keys with delays while holding another one. Heres what I got so far. 3. drjolokia Posts: 3 Remapping multiple keys to null. I play a game that requires you to hotkey very fast. If the action takes some time, and you don't want to have to hold down the key all the while until the loop ends again (because here the key state is checked only at the beginning of the loop, so it must be held down at this very moment), use hotkeys and switches: ~a:: ~b:: ~c:: LoopMustStop := 1 Return !^q:: ; Something that triggers the loop. AutoHotkey; Ask for Help; View New Content Keywait for multiple keys Started by fu xi , Jun 09 2007 02:30 AM Binding multiple keys to One key - posted in Ask for Help: Hello all, Well i wanted to use so basic scripts for so basic actions, but honestly i cant realize easily this language. Thanks! Keywait for multiple keys - posted in Ask for Help: one of my scripts requires multiple keywait support and im having trobule getting it. Hotkeys in AHK are very simple, for example the below in a . So I made a script like this:1::Send {s down}{d down}{s up}{d up}But it doesnt work. Can't set a RCtrl HotKey Combination with Autohotkey? Hot Network Questions Your code seems a bit complex, so I apologize for not going through it all - the gist of what I saw was you wanted to figure out which keys to release first based on the value of their durations, and then wrote some if statements for when to release that matched the release order. 0. Send {S 30} ; Sends 30 uppercase S characters. Example. Send "+{TAB 4}" ; Presses Shift-Tab 4 times. Spam Multiple keys (3 4 5 6) - posted in Ask for Help: Hello, I know that there are many skilled pepole when it comes to scripting, sadly i wasnt gifted that. Source: AutoHotkey - Send / SendRaw / SendInput / SendPlay / SendEvent: Send Keys & Clicks Combinations of three or more keys are not supported. Name Description; LButton: The left mouse button when used with Send, but the primary mouse button when used with hotkeys. Assigning multiple keys simultaneously - posted in Ask for Help: Hi, I would just like to ask how can I assign multiple keys on a single key without delay like they are being pressed and held at the same time. 8 posts • Page 1 of 1. AutoHotkey; Ask for Help; View New Content Hold multiple keys Started by iineviitable , Jan 12 2014 11 Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1. PHYSIO - BEING ORGANISED PHYSIO - INITIAL ASSESSMENT PHYSIO - INTERIM REPORT PHYSIO - COST = £525 etc etc What I would like to do is to allocate each of these sentences Multiple Keys with one Key - posted in Ask for Help: Hello, I am not very good at this scripting. 1 and older) and its commands and hotkeys 2016 3:22 am I have a script that does multiple mouse left clicks at an interval while the left button is being pressed down. Key. I tweaked this script. 1 and older) and its commands and hotkeys trying to make an ahk script but I'm pretty new which got me lost. e. I want it to work like they would work if I pressed them both at once. Do I send it just like this: Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1. I would like, say my F1 to have numpad 1, 2, 3 and 4 pressed at the same time. For example: KeyWait "Control" ; Wait for both Control and Alt to be released. 1 and older) and its commands and hotkeys. Please help me. The script seems to work as intended, but it does not work if in addition to the left button, I have a modifier key (Ctrl, Shift, Alt) held This is for a quick time event in a game that wants you to mash those two keys back and forth. press g loop k j until press g so far I have this. for example: If I press or hold 'A' it should press/hold 'A' & 'RAlt' Is there a way to press two keys simultaneously and bind it to a macro key (for example, pressing "s" and "d" simultaneously and then bind it to "a" key) without it having the This requires your keyboard to support holding the 6 keys keys down at once though, some might not. Top. And I want to bind that entire macro to something on my numpad. I don't want to wait for them Multiple keystrokes with function keys - posted in Ask for Help: Hello,Ive just started using AutoHotkey and am having a few issues with assigning macros to function keys. mikeyww Posts: 28990 Joined: Tue Sep 09, 2014 Re: Binding 2 keys to one action. *a:: Send {w}{a} thats what i tried but it obviously wouldnt work. Numpad0 & Numpad1:: MsgBox You pressed 0 and 1 return Is there a way to press two keys simultaneously and bind it to a macro key (for example, pressing "s" and "d" simultaneously and then bind it to "a" key) without it having the "s" repeat multiple times when a is pressed? Another example - I wrote the script in AutoHotKey as: a:: SendInput {s down}{d down}{s up}{d up} return AutoHotkey - How to set two keys pressed at same time to send another key. but then the second time i press the 1 key it should right click first, then press Well I got home and tried it. Help request: How to use KeyWait for any of multiple keys. Get help with using AutoHotkey (v2 or newer) and its commands and hotkeys. 1 and older) Ask for Help (v1) It is currently Mon Jan 13, 2025 9:53 pm; All times are UTC; Send multiple keys? Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1. How to react to multiple keys using key:: ? - posted in Ask for Help: Ive seen stuff like ^A:: do something return ; does something when you press ctrl+A But what if you want to do, do something when you press ctrl+A+B ? I had no idea how to keyword search for :: , so I couldnt find anything. the QE combo in the game AutoHotkey remap keys to swich two keys with each other. Binding Two Keys to One Key? - posted in Ask for Help: Hi, Im trying to write a script for a game to bind two keys to one. I have found some good ideas and explanations for other problems I am having but alas I cant seem to find any way to make IniWrite put a space after the Key. AUTOHOTKEYS and how to press to buttons with one. Example when i press F1, it should react as if i pressed both F1,F2,F3, pressing 1=1,2,3. Autohotkey: remap ctrl + {0. In the job that I do I have around 50 regular phrases that I use e. If you have three independent key presses (not a sequence of two, and not holding any of the keys), then the first option mentioned above is probably a better choice. alt+4, etc. How to change hotkey when pressed using AutoHotKey? 0. Does anyone know if Making one key input multiple keys - posted in Ask for Help: How would i make a script that would allow me to make certain keyboard keys, when pressed, input two different keyboard keys simultaneously? example: When i press q i would like numpad4 and leftalt+numpad5 to both be pressed. Check out the ^ and # symbols. Code: Select all Numpad5 & {*b}:: SetKeyDelay -1 ; If the destination key is a mouse button, SetMouseDelay is used instead. You will probably need extra USB keyboards. irobot335 Posts: 3 Hi there, I'm looking to create a script that will allow you to press multiple keys to toggle activate a set of commands (press again to disable). 1 and older) Ask for Help (v1) It is currently Mon Dec 30, 2024 2:55 am; All times are Learn AutoHotkey - Multiple keypress. I got it to work! Top. Adding spaces to IniWrite Key and reading multiple keys - posted in Ask for Help: I hate to ask for help on this but I am at a loss after 3 days of trying and 2 days on the forums searching. enable easy usage of custom multi-key hotkeys. GetKeyState with multiple keys Topic is solved. So for example if I push the ctrl, I want it to push both ctrl and alt at the same time (its for a game). Im not sure if its possible, because I have looked up and down the tutorial and I Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1. Im trying to modify and simplify the following code to allow accelerate multiple keys (left control, left alt, left shift, space, a). Make a Hotkey (Mouse, Joystick, I want to bind 2 keys to 1 key press. 1) Pressing G to activate G;Z;X;C;V;B;N;M;SPACE keys respectively with a 50ms delay between each activation (otherwise only the "G" key will work, I've just tested it) 2) After the whole script is executed, I need it to be turned off so I can type regularly mid-game if necessary I am looking for a way to bind 2 keys one after the other. g Press H and the other keys like G I T Y get pressed by itself ? #1 - Posted 17 February 2013 - 01:45 PM How can I bind several keys to the same command in AutoHotKey? Example: I have this command: spamLimit(limitTime) { StringReplace, key, A_ThisHotkey, $, , All send %key% sleep limitTime } I would like to bind several to Page 1 of 2 - mapping multiple keys to one on keyboard - posted in Ask for Help: hi, I am new to autohotkeys, I have just used it to control an open source media center called moovida. - posted in Gaming Questions: Ive tried googling and I couldnt find a guide to teach me how to set up a script to repeat multiple keys. I can send keys as-is to every window, but I cant seem to figure out how to press one key and send mutliple keys to other clients. Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1. r/AutoHotkey. Viewed 8k times 0 . Ask gaming related questions (AHK v1. I am going to set this up for multiple keys. For example: #E::Run C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\Excel. The thing is I want to be able to hold the control/shift keys while holding an arrow key. but there are This is the simplest and most straight-forward way to assign multiple hotkeys the same functionality. Works perfectly. - posted in Ask for Help: hi everyone, Im new to programing and Autohotkeys. To run a script when multiple keys are pressed use the & between the keys. How do I send a key multiple times in Autohotkey? 3. 9 posts Joined: Sun Mar 24, 2019 9:42 pm. Combining multiple keys - posted in Ask for Help: Hi,Anyone knows how to change the 4th line to LButtonUp and RButtonUp held down together?#IfWinActive, ahk_class 3DSMAX RButton::SendInput, {Alt Down}{MButton Down} RButton Up::SendInput, {MButton Up}{Alt Up}{Esc} #IfWinActiveThanks. Auto Hot Key - Holding down one key holds down 2 different keys. Binding multiple keys to one button. in loop so lets say i want to hit 6 and 7 every 100ms and p every 5 minutes i tried to run 2 different script one that keeps Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1. this is only a compromise though, what i would really like to do is type like a mobile phone. 1 and older) hold 1 key = holding multiple keys - posted in Ask for Help: im trying to make a script where when I hold down right its like im holding down right and s untill I release it. ) Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1. For example: Send "{DEL 4}" ; Presses the Delete key 4 times. After the above keys are pressed I then want to press the "q" character again (separately, not at same time). Go to AutoHotkey r/AutoHotkey. I hope somebody can point me to the right direction. repeating 2 keys in loop and another key seperately - posted in Ask for Help: So i want to be able to build a script that hits 2 buttons with very short delays like every 100ms but i want it also to hit 1 button with a very long delay lets say 5 minutes. KeyWait "Alt" To wait for any one key among a set of keys to be pressed down, see InputHook example #4. There are broadly two parts to learning how to send keys: Home Board index AutoHotkey (v1. Send "{S 30}" ; Sends 30 uppercase S characters. This same key (when hold down) should also send input like normal key. INI Write Multiple Keys. I use: #n::Run Notepad Now I have two programs starting with N, so I decide I want the 2-key combination NO to trigger Notepad. 14 posts • Page 1 of 1. Cringeworthy Posts: 11 Joined: Sat Jul 22, 2023 2:20 am. Autohotkey I found a solution: Numpad0:: Send, {T down} Send, {Z down} Send, {T up} Send, {Z up} return Now I would like to ask if there's a better, short syntax for this, for Numpad0 to press T and Z at the same time. Conditional Key Remapping AHK. Forum rules. For example: Pressing Ctrl+q (^q::) will make pressing the Page 1 of 2 - Problem with 2-keys as a Hotkey - posted in Ask for Help: I am new to AutoHotkey and am using Hotkeys to trigger programs. I want a universal key to use within emulators to save / load states however some of the emulators I use dont allow you to change shortcut keys. How to send two keys at the same time? - posted in Ask for Help: I have a game that I need to press two keys at the same time. Ive found this which works: space::q this activates q whenever I press spacebar, but something like: space::(q+e) autohotkey does not recognize. In 32 sections, there is a key called "Cover View". Post by gregster » Sun Jul 31, 2022 7:38 am You can simply "stack" multiple hotkey labels that should run the same subroutine. Be sure you read the rules, read the sticky, keep your AHK up to date, be clear about what you need help with, and Can we have a script for 1 key Press for Multiple keys combination, i mean by pressing 1 key we can press multiple keys e. Happy Plum Chum Posts: 2 Joined: Sat Apr 22, 2017 7:03 pm. 2 x 1 = a (press hotkey for two keys at once? - posted in Ask for Help: hi. I would like to use multiple + or - holding modifier keys all the time without releasing them. Send {Blind}{r DownTemp} ; DownTemp is like Down except that other Send commands in the script won't assume "r" should stay down during their Send. letter B and number 1 pressed at same time wil send letter P. It would make it much easier if I could press 1 key (for example the Z key) to make three different keys go off at the same time, right after I press the Z key (for example, the B, the N and the M key. Detect if two or three keys held down at same time? - posted in Ask for Help: Is it possible to detect if 2 or 3 keys are held down?If GetKeyState(l, p) && GetKeyState(shift, p) msgbox pressedDidnt workI know about: l && shift:: msgbox pressedBut my aim is to include a third key - the up arrow key or the down arrow key. In other words, if the user has swapped the buttons via system settings, LButton:: is physically activated by clicking the right mouse button, but Send {LButton} performs the same as physically clicking the left button. Case: Hold down w-key volume is lowered only once and w is sent multiple times (like normal key hold) Release w-key volume is set back to normal; Here is my keyMapis an associative array, mapping the original key with its new target. It works by simply writing the hotkeys one below the other, only assigning Make a key behave as a switch or a normal key based on how long it was kept pressed down, using AutoHotKey So I just started scripting so I pretty much stink at it, but one thing I have always wanted to know, is there a script where I can have it press a combination of keys for unlimited time with a set press these keys in order; escape, end, enter, up arrow, enter. Two-key combinations with modifier keys. There is zero tolerance for incivility toward others or for cheaters. e F12 Send {A} Next time F12 Send {B} next time F12 Send {C} etc Ive written this but it doesnt work and just continually loops and I cant work out why. Tried coding my own after I read some but it just doesnt seem to work. This wouldnt be a Go to AutoHotkey r/AutoHotkey. return Numpad5 & {*b up}:: SetKeyDelay -1 ; See note below for why press Help file leaves me confused. Pressing F4 will take every key defined in keyMap and assign it a subroutine called RemapKey, hence it will be called, when any key in keyMap (d, f, j or k) is pressed. Multiple keyboards are rare, and not especially useful. 7 posts • Page 1 of 1. Combination of specific key and any AutoHotkey: Bind one key to two modifier keys. My problem is that the help file leaves me a bit confused on sending multiple keys at once. AutoHotKey - how to send control and same key multiple times. i have to release modifier keys every time, when i use hotkeys. Combination of specific key and any other key. So for example when I press 2 "@" is printed, and Sending and releasing multiple keys at once using AutoHotkey. i Home Board index AutoHotkey (v1. Hold down two keys until you release. Script for handling the hotkey needs be placed inside the If-block. I have mapped my fav bands to keys 1-9 so i can easy search them. im not sure how to modify it so that mouse4 spams Alt+1, alt+2, alt+3. 4 posts • Page 1 of 1. The solution must also allow for sending a multiple keys input script, help needed please. AutoHotkey - How to set two keys pressed at same time to send another key. AutoHotkey: create a hotkey with 3 keys. I also want repeating some buttons sending repeating keystrokes. How can I bind several keys to the same command in AutoHotKey? 27. I just need to make some keys as one. PgDn Send ^#{Left}. any help would be appreciated Dave Repeating or Holding Down a Key. Anyways I am using the following AutoHotkey script originally written by Laszlo to detect single, multiple, short and long presses of the Ctrl key: Morse(timeout = 150) { ; tout := timeout/1000 key Multiple click script? - posted in Gaming Questions: Hi I am fairly new to AutoHotKey and I am looking for a script that makes a set of keys for example (Ctlr+Rbutton) to right click 35 times instantaneously or as close to it. It waits for one or multiple keys to be pressed, But It doesn't accept Multiple keys at once script. Post by dmcnaugh15 » Sat Jul 06, 2024 9:58 pm I want to wait for any one of 2 keys, the "Lbutton" up OR the "a" button up. F1 F1 Multiple Keyboards You can read from multiple keyboards with GlovePIE, if you have Windows XP. - posted in Ask for Help: Hello people, I have been trying to create a script that will press all the keys from F1 to F9. I did some basic things following Multiple Keys via Joystick buttons - posted in Ask for Help: Hi there, Id like to be able to map my gamepad DPad to the keyboard arrows, and some joystick buttons to shift/control. AutoHotkey: While 2 keys are pressed = press 3rd key? 0. To hold down or release a key: Enclose in braces the name of the key followed sendinput with multiple key - posted in Ask for Help: I have this code : :*:\\e:: SendInput è return works fine like this : some text space è Like this it does not work blahblah\\e so it works when there is a space before the \\e click but not directly after a letter. g. Post by Arbaz » Wed Mar Try the Send command. I read in some post that Autohotkey allow to set two keys pressed at same time to send another key, i. Modified 11 years, 1 month ago. eg. I'm new to AHK and I wanted to make a script that remaps all the number keys to the relative symbol above it and the symbol to the number. Post by n1ce0n3 » Sat May 04, 2019 6:36 am Hey, I need some help. Is it possible to define an AutoHotKey HotKey which require multiple characters to fire ? Example: if I write the AHK script ^j:: Send, my test return. the first key need to start and hold for a time and then the second key start after setting time while the first key still Can I assign a hotkey to something using two letters + other key combo, such as, Windows key+Ctrl+r+a for one hotkey and windows key+Ctrl+r+b for another. right pressed down=right pressed down + S pressed down right released=right released + S released ive been trying to wright this script for hours but it just not working :? Use Multiple Keys - posted in Ask for Help: I would like to use multiple keys to run programs instead of just one. r/AutoHotkey Macroing multiple keys into 1 key (ducky one 3 65% keyboard) upvotes r/AutoHotkey. I'd like to figure out how to make it possible to change the rotation up too, but I'll have to tackle that another night. Specifically, I wish to bind the Q and E key to the space bar. (That page is technically for defining hotkeys, but you can use them within the Send command. Autohotkey script for releasing a key after being pressed in combination with another. RemapKey takes the latest hotkey by accessing A_ThisHotkey, finds out what it's mapped to and sends Home Board index AutoHotkey (v1. When i press 1 it types 123. Remap keys regardless of language. I tried but fail epicly. Viewed 3k times 0 . Modified 5 years, 11 months ago. So could anyone help me out? To clarify- I need a script that will press the keys from F1 to F9 simultaneously and NOT stop until Home Board index AutoHotkey (v1. The 32 sections are called "Profile 1", "Profile 2", and so forth. Numpad1::Send Hello{enter} In that example, "Numpad1" is the key being checked for, "::" is the symbol for hotkey, then the command following is executed when that key is detected; "Send" is the command, Hold multiple keys - posted in Ask for Help: Im very new to this and tried to make a script that would hold 2 keys when i hold 1 but i made it spam the keys. The script should work like this, when I press the 1 key it should press the number 4, sleep 607, then right click. n1ce0n3 Posts: 21 Joined: Sun Feb 18, 2018 9:15 am. Can anyone please help me out? Thanks. 1. Use the Send command. Post by Happy Plum Chum » Sat Apr 22, 2017 10:06 pm Home Board index AutoHotkey (v1. By default the send command will release modifiers keys (these include the control key) before sending the keys. The code was taken for the Accelerating keyboard repeat rate post <!-- Definitely a good place to start. exe,,max Instead of pressing windowskey+E as in above, Id rather use two characters like windowskey+EX, either in sequence, OR, all together. ) Get help with using AutoHotkey (v2 or newer) and its commands and hotkeys. How to Send Keystrokes Sending keystrokes (or keys for short) is the most common method of automating programs, because it is the one that works most generally. Ask Question Asked 11 years, 1 month ago. I have an INI file that has 33 sections. Related 1) Pressing G to activate G;Z;X;C;V;B;N;M;SPACE keys respectively with a 50ms delay between each activation (otherwise only the "G" key will work, I've just tested it) 2) After the whole script is executed, I need it to be turned off so I can type regularly mid-game if necessary Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1. Creating a script to repeat multiple keys. i would appreciate it if in the future it does or if theres a command that will do this. For example: Send {DEL 4} ; Presses the Delete key 4 times. You can’t write to multiple keyboards, because I haven’t seen any programs other than mine that can tell which keyboard you used. IIm sorry if this question has already been answered, but I am wondering how to remap a hotkey to press two keys at the same time. ogbx fatrk awqk znrvlti gunc ywtaq iak rinwixv qxxa lmgx qbs rtajghp imqfo nbnvvx ogv