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Had period but pregnant mumsnet. I never had a period during all this time.
Had period but pregnant mumsnet I didn't know I was pregnant at the time, and I actually texted my partner to say that I was having a really bad period that month. If you're not pregnant you then get your period, if you are then the womb Just to say - period like cramps are THE only real symptom I have actually had apart from breathlessness now and fatigue every early on. (I do seem to remember feeling like this when I was pregnant last time) I was really ill on Sunday, the day my period was due. On a more cheerful note, I had some dark (oldish) bleeding at 13. When I went to the doctor I found out I was about 10 weeks pregnant!! He was fine! I should have come on my period Thursday but no show and I’m now 4 days late which has never ever happened in the whole time I’ve been having periods apart from when I was pregnant with DD. went to the doc thinking only 4-6 weeks and they told me i was 16 weeks gone. We were so sure I conceived because I had all the symptoms plus more from when I was pregnant with my first baby. No PMS symptoms. Well I was waiting until my AF was due so I could test well my period came a day early and it was pretty heavy I was confused My period is two days late and I do feel like AF is coming but I've been feeling like that for a few days now and nothing has arrived. I had awful period cramps when I was pregnant. I was sure I wasn't pregnant, but I had one test left and decided to use it at like midnight and the line showed after a few minutes, really can anyone advise? Have had normal/regualar periods since having a 3 month depo shot last year following a cyst removal. I never even thought I might be pregnant until I took a test a week after my period was due. I had a coil removed last July, then was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid in August and started meds for that. Had unprotected sex on Valentine’s Day and took ellaOne the following evening but now my period is late. I had a scan and everything looked perfect, same as you! My little boy is now 16 months old and he's just so Had unprotected sex on the 4th of feb, no pull out method, nothing. I did a pregnancy test a few days ago and it was neg. My first pregnancy had really bad AF symptoms and spotting. She hadn’t even had a drop of water! The next pregnancy was a result of the first time we had sex after the traumatic birth! I didn’t find out I was pregnant for another 3 months as I was still breastfeeding but felt sick and went to the GP. Since done 2 more tests in afternoon urine, 1 very dark positive, today clearly positive but less dark (different brand). The last time I had sex was 24th August 2022 (with protection). I had this a while back, as I normally would not get a second positive LH opk test just before my period but not pregnant, where normally I would The first month it obviously didnt work. Hope everything works out for you. I cramped royally bad like period was literally here from 10 DPO (when I got the bfp) right till a few days ago. Then I started spotting for about 4 days before my period was due. I started to believe it was implantation Iwas getting faint positives a day after my missed period. I don’t want to worry you but I was ectopic which can mean stagnant hcg and my digital tests went up to 2-3 and down, then back up. Im spost to be 13wks with my 3rd baby 5pregnancy. No signs of PCOS as I've had an ultrasound for this few years back with irregular periods and recent blood works normal. . 5 weeks with my second pregnancy, but little one was fine and is now a very actively kicking little chappie at 23 weeks through. Keep positive. Because of that (my periods were light anyway) I didnt realise I was pregnant until I was 5months gone, by that time i had been on all the rides at alton towers twice, been going out every weekend drinking and generally doing and eating everything you shouldnt when pregnant. Not sure what I should do. My periods have been every 27 - 30 days for the past 2 years. hmmm. Assumed that I yet again wasn’t pregnant and had one too many glasses of wine that evening feeling I had a normal period last week but then spotted to days this week which prompted me to take a pregnancy test and it was positive immediately! My husband and I are in shock I’m pregnant but got my period? I have been trying for the past 11 months and even have an appointment on the books in 3 weeks to talk about fertility with my OBG. timeline of events to help lol: 10th - condom broke 11th - period was due but didn’t arrive 12th -took the morning after pill and negative pregnancy test 13th - no period 14th - no period yes i had really bad period like pains when we were ttc. So result was 2 babies within 12 months. Unfortunately I miss carried again and I’ve just had my second period and they have both been super lightLasting 2/3 days. Had the ALL the way through my pregnancy so dont panic too much about it (yes i wanted to deck all the people who told me Hi just wondering if anyone has had any bleeding in pregnancy like a period but no pain . Tested and got a BFP clear blue 2-3 weeks. And no, it wasn’t implantation Anyone have a period then found out they were pregnant? My partner and I TTC in June. Tummy was swollen ish too, like before a period. I was under stress and my period was lighter but still needed my normal pad. At her scan the dates were later than she had thought they should be. Bit scared. Pregnancy tests are negative. Although that was still several days before my period and unusual for me! I called up the helpline to find out why so many smiley faces and they told me it is a possibility I could be pregnant (this would be wonderful!) So I have done 2 cheap pregnancy tests and they have both come out as positive (all this in the last hour so still in shock!). Anonymous. Search for a thread. Was hurrendous time. This morning, I have woken up to a heavy bleeding and cramps, which to me feels exactly like a period! I've felt quite period like for a few days. 0. Watch thread Flip Watch Save Share Positive test after period ? Hi I had my period as normal started on 3rd of feb I have regular cycle only differs by a few days Feel stupid asking this really so have namechanged, but I am just curious. I was BF Dd2 and my periods came back 7m after birth. It was about the 14th of November and my period was due and it came as normal. Anyway, I had that one period, we then had sex one time (first time since dd2) during the month that followed and my period didn’t come back as I was pregnant with DD3. For those 3months I had my regular period. it is frightening when your early on in the pregnancy as we just all assume pain/tummy upset that its a "bad sign" but looking at all the posts it seems to be very normal. Definitely not pregnant so I am at a loss as to why - no usual build up just came out of nowhere. I have had round ligament pain before and am used to it after sudden movements. I'm now on day 48 with no period, aside from pregnancy this has never happened before in my life. The periods plus negative tests would be conclusive tbh. How come it took nearly two months for the period to be late after the booster. Not contractions though (not that I know what a contraction feels like). No bleeding since and had my 12 week scan a few days ago, where all is so far looking good. I always thought you'd go the other way rather than constipated? Anyone had that? Not sure if I'm just imagining things. Conceived ds1 after first attempt, ds2 did take 2 periods, ds3 was first attempt and fuck knows how ds4 happened. But my test showed positive really early for some reason. I am 18 DPO (according to my period tracking app). Silly really as too early. 3 days of slow labour wasnt much fun! Previous cycles I have convinced myself I was pregnant and so distraught when I wasn't (plus literally everyone around me is either pregnant or just had their baby). Otherwise, I had an uncomplicated pregnancy and birth. I took a standard pregnancy test on my period; and it showed negative. She tested a couple of weeks later and got a positive. I actually took an early response pregnancy test after the weird period and it came out negative (in hindsight it was during the daytime and I had lots of water beforehand so it wasn't EMU). If it's not this month, it could be next month and that's only 4 weeks away Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale (more details here) Mumsnet hasn't checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. Watch thread Flip Watch Save It was our third try for baby number 2. But I know every pregnancy is different and I know progesterone can help people who have had early spotting so I’m In fact I didn’t discover I was pregnant till I was 20 weeks so I must have had least 4 periods or light bleeds whilst pregnant. This has never happened before - up to date on smear 6 months ago - all good. But I have only just had a period. Was devastated so didnt start TTC until August and had the silly assumption that i would fall pregnant again easily. Ontime and had all the period symptoms. @crushed Have you suddenly started I know I took the morning after pill to stop pregnancy but if it did happen I would still be so excited, just need to look for double pushchairs lol. Im 38+3. Anyway after all that they had no appts left for the day anyway! My periods have been erratic for about 4 or 5 years now and can start between 4 to 7 weeks of the last one. I just had the feeling. I was frantic each time that I was losing him. My friend had periods throughout her pregnancy- she actually didn't know she was pregnant until she gave birth . I've been tired, not wanting to eat. Hey hun , im in the same situation at the mo , this 2ww is soul destroying 😰 im 7dpo today but for the last day or 2 ive been having af type cramps, right sided which can only be described as ovary pain and some white/creamy cm , been absolutely exhausted past day also n sounds bizarre but had itchy bbs for a few days too, not sure if im symptom spotting too much Hi mom's :) just a quick question . Did a pregnancy test but it was negative. I never used to get PMS, but since coming off pill to start TTC #2 have been getting it really quite bad from a few days following ovulation, so having it for 1. Then I took another test it was fainter then negative. I would test. My period is now 5 days late, I have taken 2 pregnancy tests which both say negative. Had unprotected sex last month, then had a period 10 days ago. Thought it would take at least a year to conceive as only 8 periods a year. I'm still too scared to test because my BBT was low last week, I just can't handle another BFN. 5 weeks before af starts. It eased up after six months. (i did have polycystic ovary syndrome)10 weeks after no period did another test and it was positive. (I never tested this for obvious reasons!) It hasn't affected my fertility at all. Long story. Some say it was implantation bleeding, but there was a fair bit of it and it lasted a few days No idea what I am 4 days late on my period. I had/ have normal uneventful periods and I didn't experience this in subsequent pregnancies. i never had a period but kept getting negative results. Had a 6 week and 8 week scan, was ok and so was 12 week. In my case, even after the early loss (june) i still had no periods and was beginning to think i was broken! I have just found out that i have fallen pregnant again (6-7 weeks now). I'm also feeling very constipated. I have one DD and currently pregnant with no. I had a couple of 'periods' - quite light but enough to have to use a pad. DD was a surprise and this one we got pregnant on first try. it can happen good luck to all you ladys trying With my first Born I had cramping/ stretching from probably 4-9 weeks bleeding which I believed to be a light period though I was convinced I was pregnant all the symptoms but kept getting a BFN didn't get a positive till past 6 weeks! I had bleeding at 6 weeks and again at 9 weeks was told strictly no sex as can be a factor. That's definitely positive! If you are only on cd9 then you can't have gotten pregnant that quickly after your period as you probably wouldn't have even ovulated yet - I'd say that wasn't your period at all but implantation bleeding. This pain is different and is not linked to when I move. I’ve been tracking my It is possible to have a period and still be pregnant, but I would book an appointment at the doctor's ASAP so that they can take blood tests. Well I took 37393720 PT (I was becomjng obsessed) and they were NEG. hi, any advice would be great. I had a mc in April at 12 weeks. Watch thread Flip Watch Save Share Late period but negative pregnancy test 8 replies Chezza1990 I had a period that was 2 weeks late Started OPK tracking again, DTD at good time around Ovulation, 37 days later I still hadn't had my period (usually 28-31 day cycles) I did a pregnancy test waited 3mins and no line, 6mins it shows a line. Late period but not pregnant 10 replies Yummymummy456 · 24/03/2024 12:58 Hi. 02/11/2011 at 4:22 pm. I had no symptons so imagine my shock when i discovered how far gone i I did! Was 2 days late, tested negative, got what I thought was the start of yet another period after a long time trying, cried, decided to say screw you to the whole trying-for-a-baby thing for a bit and enjoyed a long hot bath and a few glasses of wine Oh yes! Had my first child last Nov, shes a healthy 5 weeks! I was in AWFUL pain at 5 - 9 weeks, doc said "prepare yourself for a miscarriage". Went to GP and also had a negative test. I've had intermittent spotting on and off over the last 2 weeks but it's light and inconsistent. Hi, I had sex and the condom had a hole I it bit enough for it to get out. not sure what to do Missed period but not pregnant aibu I'm now 4 days late with no period, I've never had this happen before. In fact, until the foetal sac did come out, I still had horrible pregnancy symptoms even though I knew I was no longer pregnant. Earlier on in the pregnancy, I had the implantation bleeding which was just a light coloured spotting on my tissue. Iv been a n e and there words were if its going to come out its going to come out. The next day after cramps I started to bleed it looked like a normal period but it only lasted 1. ive missed 2 periods now, got some pregnancy symptoms (but is it all in my head- even the cheese and onion sandwich with SUGAR!)but taken hpts 4 days late, 12 days late and 4 weeks late but still neg. I had what I thought was a period bang on schedule, but it was very light and very short. I’ve been having some stomach pains for the the last few hours, similar to what I would have when due on. Have been TTC for 4 months and would so love to be pregnant but if I am at the mo, Im scared that its not a healthy pg as hcg must be so low, its not getting picked up on the pg test. When I got pregnant, I was certain of my dates but at the scan the baby measured 5 days bigger than my lmp date. I was totally in denial I was pregnant with her and didn’t test until at least a week after my missed period but the line was a definite dye stealer. My mum was like don't be daft I'm menopausal and the GP said yeah but you're still getting the odd period and we always advise women to take the mini pill until 57. The GP wanted to see her and asked her to do a pregnancy test. there are also other reasons to have bleeding during early pregnancy and still have a healthy baby, like a I've heard of a few people saying they had periods but were also pregnant (one of these resulted in my partner's sister!). I got the booster back in November. My next period is not due for another 10 days but for the last 3 days I have had period like pains, very bloated tummy and some nausea. Having tried for 6months with DD2 (and currently on cycle 12 ttc #4) this was a surprise. I put in a pad and my period never came. I had the same with DS3. 10, well a consultant has just rang me to say it was a partial molar pregnancy and I will be monitored by a specialist team, I thought I was on my period but I've just taken a pregnancy test and it's still showing positive. Had nothing. I have done 6 pregnancy tests and all of them have come through as negative. I remember a girl who was obviously very pregnant, she was complaining to me that her parents thought she was pregnant, I didn't really know what to say . But I've never missed a period for more than 8 weeks. Tested because it was shorter and also lots of brown, was absolutely shocked to get a positive test. 19th I realised my BBT had been up for 3-4 days since period, felt tired and sore boobs. Period due on Saturday. With what I Anyone had a proper period (heavier than spotting/implantation bleeding) and then discovered they were pregnant? I was sure I had fallen pregnant as I had a lot of the same symptoms I had when I fell pregnant with DS during the 2WW. I do this every month - cramps start and I try to convince myself I might still be pregnant. I didn’t know about her til I was 3 months along. Followed the instructions the second month with the Clomid, and was hopping around on day 28 when there was no period. I just had a " period" it lasted 5 days and came on time , the only difference was I had different cramps then usual( mixed with abit of light period cramps) I'm on cycle day 8 now( 3 days after last period) and I've got saw boobs!!! I had my period 10th-15th May, came on normal day, normal flow etc. And we had lots of sex around ovulation. My mum is 54 and had a UTI recently. Now I am worried as It is possible to have a period and still be pregnant, but I would book an appointment at the doctor's ASAP so that they can take blood tests. I went about my days, but still took a pregnancy test to check 3 days after my period was due, it came back negative. I’d completely ruled myself out for this month as I had period cramps in the 2 days before my BFP. The only thing i have had is 2 days of very light bleeding, which i assume was implantation. I never had a period during all this time. This probably sounds strange but hear me out! Last month I was convinced I'd BD at the right time! But AF arrived on day 35! It usually lasts 3 days I'm 5 days late on my period and my cervix is still high and slightly open on Monday 20th Jan 2025 I had the worst cramps, thinking I was coming on my period as I was due. So my last 6 years have been busy - I've had 6 periods in total in 5 years and 10 months. I had a period, after a few days started bleeding which lasted a few weeks and got a positive pregnancy test. I've been having cramps, sore boobs, had a dizzy spell earlier etc and so I thought it would start but nothing ! I've tested a few times, yesterday I had one positive looking test but the rest have been negative so I've put that down I took an early test day before my period, negative. I found out about a week later that I was pregnant. As of 2 days ago, so 5 days after my period was due, I started to get really achy boobs same as I would get after ovulation, and started getting all my usual period symptoms but still nothing. I'm getting period pains at the moment and a very 'tight' feeling stomach. Had blood test to check hCG levels and it was 16 (think I ovulated later than I originally thought!) Had a test today and will find out tomorrow if they're doubling. I’ve been feeling pregnant, had spotting yesterday, so I took a frer this afternoon and first it didn’t look like much but I squinted something so snapped it open and could defo see a line, but could it be evap? Hello, I had what I thought was a missed miscarriage diagnosed at my 12 weeks scan and had ERPC 01. @margegunderson thank you ️ I wasn’t having caffeine or alcohol while we were trying last month but when I kept getting negatives I was like well at least I can enjoy a drink!. I suffered with the worse period I have ever had in my life, with servere cramp and excessively heavy bleeding. i would agreed with the previous post, my mum had periods for 4 months whilst she was preggers with my brother, and didnt know she was Just got my period again 10 days after my last one finished. I'm due in 10 weeks and haven't had a period since June 2009!!! I actually got implantation bleeding about 6 days before my period was due, and thought it was the start of my period. Having ttc now for 13 months, obviously have had all possible 'signs' with no bfp. As usual I have period pains and yet am trying to convince myself that maybe they are some sort of early pregnancy sign, rather than just boring old cramps which will be followed by a very unwelcome period. The next day I had bad cramps but never did bleed that day. I have been sitting down and the pain is just as bad. 2 days later I have a heavy period with bad cramping for 2 days. Had had 2 xdc 14 months apart so was very grateful tbh!! And extremely grateful for the negative pregnancy tests!! Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, I also had the same headache/migraine that I always get on the first day of my period. All 6 tests have been taken at different times in the day, one first thing in the morning. Really interested in this. Period was due on the 18th. Then it just tapered off and was much shorter than usual. People say they have periods whilst pregnant and get negative results but tbh people say a lot of things. I started on Metformin to help with my weight in August and have had a monthly period since then. When I was 5/6 weeks I had a really heavy bleed. This month signs are feeling sick which gets better throughout day and after eating, ridiculously sore boobs, high BBT, very tired. Had lots of clear cm on 18th-20th Jan. We thought she had just put a bit of weight on- no bump, nothing. 30pm that night! Just a little warning for you 😂 baby came 3 days later. She went to her doctor's at 8-12 weeks complaining of nausea and sickness - the doctors said she had a virus and Hi @GusleBusle, I had negative tests and did turn out to be pregnant, eventually!. It lasted 5 days which is about normal for me, though was a bit lighter than normal. First period was about 6 weeks after the coil was removed and had another 24 days later so a short cycle. I had a MMC last October so I analyse every symptom or lack of! My friend had a negative test. To understand how your baby develops, sign up to the Mumsnet pregnancy newsletter. Watch thread Flip Watch Save Share 1 2 Has anyone felt like they was coming on they're period but was pregnant? X 29 replies Mumr19 · 29/06 @Mumr19 I had the period style pains a full week before I got a positive, so you aren't out the running until AF turns Had intimacy on 3rd of August,took a pill and started bleeding on the 6th of August,fast forward on,I saw my period on the 7th of September but since Thursday 14th of September i have been feeling pregnancy symptoms like headache. I am currently now late but still only getting negative tests and showing no signs that my period is around the corner. Has anyone else experienced this ? Get updates on how your baby develops, your body changes, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Pregnancy Newsletters. If it was the booster that has an effect, surely I would have missed Decembers period instead but that didn't happen. Watch thread Flip Watch Save Share Period pain at 36 weeks 16 replies I had period like pains at 4am at exactly 36 weeks, my waters broke at 10. A few days after that I started spotting and this lasted for over two weeks. I'm currently 11 weeks with a pregnancy that started like this. And out of no were started to bleed. Period 10 days late, three tests showed negative, but feeling sick and a bit grotty, same as when pregnant last time. Bizarre. It was then the next day and I took another cheap test and it also said negative. Yip me too, i had period pain until around 10 weeks with my first pregnancy and this pregnancy was the same (i am now almost 18 weeks) Also had the upset tummy aswell. When I’m under stress I end up late or a lighter period so I didn’t think anything about it. I had one 2 days ago and heard the baby's little healthy heartbeat. I am not dehydrated. I have similar - early 40s, DH had a vasectomy years ago, so definitely not pregnant, and my periods have started going a bit haywire. 2. I had a very heavy implantation bleed that last 4 days or so, convinced it was a late period (bright red, clots etc). I am 22 weeks and feel like I have had period pain/cramps from this morning. Has anyone else had a period right at the beginning of their pregnancy or even all the way through?? How common is it? I am reluctant to take a test yet as I am probably My mom had a “period” in early pregnancy with me, to the point she didn’t even know she was pregnant until she started getting horrible morning sickness. Watch thread Flip Watch Save Share Pregnant but still having periods she'd been on the pill, and her periods had continued all the way through. TMI so apologies but me and DH went away, had a lot of sex, then I had my period as normal (at least appeared to be). I stopped in December, but my periods had returned to normal since then. Possible being pregnant and had a 'period' 14 replies Enn1234 · 03/02/2023 16:14 Hi All! Hopefully someone has experienced this too Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a I'm currently trying for #1 (16months of trying). I took a test There are a few conditions that you could continue to have periods while pregnant. I’m also worried about the bleeding as this has never ended well for me. Hi! I'm currently bleeding at the moment like a light period as mine are usually very heavy. Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through If you are getting a true positive (ie test line as dark as or darker than control line) opk, due to pregnancy, then you will also get a positive (any second line even if faint) on a pregnancy test. I also had some pregnancy symptoms in the week that I had missed my period. 5 days then went to lightly bleeding only when I wiped I have been having headaches and some back aches and it has only been 6 days since the condom To understand how your baby develops, sign up to the Mumsnet pregnancy newsletter. I have PCOS and have had irregular periods. About 4 days later I had a positive pregnancy test. I had my period a few days ok, a tad shorter than usual but pretty gutted! I've taken a few pregnancy tests and all are negative but my symptoms aren't going and I just feel pregnant!! Can anyone relate? A part of me thinks maybe it's psychological because I want to be pregnant:-(Any advice or similar stories would be great! Xx Has anyone missed a period or thought they were pregnant and their period came weeks later? OP posts: See next See all Quote React Unexplained. I had all my normal pre menstrual symptoms, feeling bloated, teary and craving chocolate. So date yourself from the day of your last period, not from the bleeding that has stopped now. My mum was panicking lol! First two periods were both on time and but super light barely filling one pad and then I fell pregnant again in August. Hi everyone, I'm looking for some knowledge , pls be kind 💖 I had my first baby a year ago I went on the pill soon after and experienced awful I've had really light periods for years, I could probably have worn the same pad for my entire period and it wouldn't be full. Until then, I thought it was the fantasy stuff of Take a Break, and women who claimed it had happened were downright liars. I had bleeds, in line with a period timeframe, with my eldest - although I never claimed to be having my period. I had a few months of 20 days between periods, then 35, and just had 60 days! GP did blood tests in Dec which didn’t give any signs of menopause but she said it can change very quickly. It got a little darker but not much, then 6 days after my period was due I started to spot for a few days then bleed heavily. I felt really sick, sore boobs etc. When I had a scan to date the pregnancy it turned out that I had had two periods when pregnant! I had monthly bleeds for 5 months and had no idea I was pregnant until I had Yep. so I assume evap line. Hi Nutcracker, I am very sorry to hear of your MMC, that really must have been devastating. Reply. Rising progesterone levels each month cause the womb lining to thicken and the side effect of this is cramps and other monthly symptoms . My periods were completely normal before last 5-7 days normal flow. Usually 28 days exactly and had baby 3 years ago naturally conceived if that useful information. Decembers period was on time. LOTS of big clots (id say 50% heavier than my I’m 8 weeks pregnant today, I would have been due my period today if I wasn’t pregnant. My LMP was 14 July - didn't come on period on 11th Aug so did test - it was v v v faint. Quote I'm okay, ttc atm and had a period but it was 2 days early (strange for me) and I only had a day or so of full bleeding then it's tapered off fairly quickly to a really light flow so wondering if it could So a little back story- the month of January I have had all the pregnancy symptoms in the world and I knew I was pregnant. I have tested but it says negative, google says to test 21 days after sex which would be the 25th of Feb, so the question is does me missing my period by 2 days but have negative tests mean anything? or do I wait till the 25th and test? To understand how your baby develops, sign up to the Mumsnet pregnancy newsletter. With my youngest who is now 2yrs. I have also had inconsistent ovarian twinges, feels a bit like ovulation twinges. Yes. addsevpdirrypqjpzwglnsyjuyllrehhpazozmoymdtdgxducpgkjvosayqxvluejqahrpmet