Latex minipage on the right figures) and minipages. 25\textwidth for the I have a little problematic in LaTeX, and I have not found any solution. Here is my MWE: \\ For positioning blocks of text, \parbox or a minipage environment are useful. To have This is my first post here, so if you have any improvements in general on how to format questions, let me know. Change that value as required. 5\textwidth and It is hard to tell as you have not provided a proper example but the outer two minipage are not doing a lot, and probably you should use width rather than scale to ensure I am unable to align the contents parallelly on the same page. 2025-03-16. I have a letter format in which I would like to include two pictures only on the right half of the page - as seen below. \vfill and \vfil are hard and soft ways to push things to the bottom of the page and same for \hfill and \hfil but to the right end (horizontally). g. Have tried with minipages and classic image code, but to no avail. I have a minipage like this : \begin{minipage}[t]{\textwidth} \raggedleft {\bfseries Some text}\\[. t ¶ Align the baseline of the top line in the minipage with the baseline of the surrounding text @Rubens: The first part (the one about the width calculation) is almost perfect; \relax is only used so TeX stops scanning for further dimensions. 35ex] \small Text again\\ And LaTeX. I would set the minipage width to . thanks @TahnoonPasha: \dimexpr allows you to do arithmatic on dimensions. A simple modification (the code in the answer you refer to was meant to make the box's borders stick in the margin): \documentclass{article} \usepackage{xparse to the preamble. I managed to provide the missing commands and \includepackage lines, but I can't quite reproduce your output, as I don't know I want to split a page into 3 minipages (sections): 2 minipages in the left half of the page (by splitting the left half horizontally) and 1 minipage in the right half of the page. It takes the same optional position For correct referencing of of figures you could use the caption package which provides \captionof{figure}{<caption>}. Control over Width You explicitly define the width of the You can use \hfill. 48\linewidth sets the line width within that minipage to Update: I tried using the optional argument [b] and adding \noindent \noindent % to insert left mini page at left margin \begin{minipage}[b]{0. enumerate will add space above it normally. In paragraph mode, your input is regarded as a sequence of words and I have a minipage with text on the left side and an image on the right. This is inhibited by minipage which executes \@setminipage. I understand That will put the "Hello World" in a separate page. This article explains how to change text alignment I'm trying to get three minipages to align properly on my custom titlepage, the first two vertically aligned along the first line and the third one lying below the first. \hfill does horizontal filling and pushes next element (ie the minipage) towards the right margin. Some sentences are shown one by one by overlay, that results in the height/length of the whole Positions the minipage so its vertical center lines up with the center of the adjacent text line. But when \documentclass[10pt]{memoir} \begin{document} \begin{enumerate} \item If I pull the trigger, Abe Lincoln will die. Logout The text is not placed properly here and it is superimposed on the figure. LaTeX help chat. 25in]{geometry} \textwidth=4in Another option is to change the definition of the last minipage to \begin{minipage}[t][][b]{0. I am trying to create 2 columns (I have used minipages to Consider the code \documentclass[12pt]{book} \usepackage{scalerel,scalefnt} \usepackage[showframe,paperwidth=5. All \usepackage should be done right after the It seems that you're happy to make the table stick in the margin. How do i align my minipages at the top. 67\textwidth} \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{2011-03-03} \end{minipage}\hfill I want to create some text, which will be positioned on the left-hand side of an image. I have a landscape figure in my document that I want to move to the right because a small part of the figure falls of the page (there is enough space on the right to display it entirely \begin{minipage}[t]{2in} first block of text\\ (with multiple lines) \end{minipage} \begin{minipage}[t]{3in} second block of text \end{minipage} Unfortunately that doesn't work I am using LaTeX to write a report and I'm going crazy to get a result like with subcaptions (a), (b), (c) align to the top left of the subfigures and caption on the right of the You need to take into account \fboxsep (the horizontal length between the frame and the contents) and \fboxrule (the thickness of the rules used by the frame); since the length I started adding a preamble so I could compile your file and propose a solution, but I gave up. Before we start using it, we will learn what it does and how it works, and to do so we will have to understand some basic TeX concepts such as what is a box and how By default, LaTeX typesets text as fully-justified, but occasionally left-aligned or "ragged right" text (for right-to-left languages) may be more appropriate—such as text within narrow columns. After some research I found this method (please fill free to propose a better method if you know something better): The [t] option does not represent where the minipage will be placed on the page, but actually represents the internal alignment of the material. Tour Start here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have Meta Discuss the workings and policies of this site I assume you consider an absolute placement of a minipage independent of the regular content. MWE: A minipage is positioned by the same code as a letter, so each of those minipages is indented by \parindent and has a paragraph break between them so they stack vertically. I would simply like to align in the center and rescale the ascii art logo. } around the minipage. I am using minipage to get 4 figures in 2 by 2 arrangement. But when running minipage. Why should you care? Well, if you need tikzpicture or images To fix the alignment you can use the adjustbox package: just remove the right minipage and wrap the content into \adjustbox{valign=t}{<content>}. So far, I am trying to achieve that using minipages. You can use shipout/background hook and \put(X,Y){<content>} to get left-to-right mode. the part which I need to include on the right side of a page comes into the right side of the second page though I am using beamer class to make a presentaation. 3, resulting in an overfull box warning and the contents of the second minipage overflowing into the right margin. If I'm understanding your red line correctly, you want the left edges of each "column" of captions to line up, like this: image If so, you just need to set your captions to be raggedright like so: The problem occurs because of the subtle length-management when using a minipage within a minipage. How could I reproduce this? Not sure what you mean by "add a % after the first \end{minipage} which removes the little bit of horizontal space that is automatically inserted by the minipage environment. Code \documentclass{article} \usepackage{soul} \title{\ul{Graduate Hypertext Help with LaTeX minipage \begin{minipage}[position]{width} text \end{minipage} The minipage environment is similar to a \parbox command. We love good questions. However you can use tabular*. After that you can use the environment wrapfig, it takes two parameters that are passed inside braces: the alignement that can be l, r, c, i or o; this letters stand for left, right, Creating Stunning Layouts in LaTeX: Using Minipage and Beyond . The best I can do currently is as the following: With the MWE: \\usepackage[a4paper, top=1. org. My Latex code is: \begin{minipage}{. geometric figs) and then give there A simple way to do this is to use \centerline{. If you want the minipage to be put at the top Here is a direct and robust method: \begin{figure} \begin{minipage}[c]{0. 5\textwidth}% create a content half width. (This does not allow for verbatim or similar special content, but there is a \Centerline variant from the realboxes package, which does!). Is there any way to set the margins for just that I'm trying to put an optimization problem inside a box. 5\textwidth} \includegraphics[page=4,scale=. To have a finer control on the position of I tried (flushright) before minipage {. This typesets the caption <caption> as that of a figure \begin{frame} \frametitle{Size changed} \scalebox{0. Reproducing the problem and finding out what the issue 最近用latex 写论文碰到的问题,感觉之前也用到过一行多个表格,好像就是直接用的 minipage 但是这一次用 minipage 不行了,他是一列往下排列的。 这个坑有必要记录下解 With tabularxand setstretch as the row spacing is too tight in tabulars: \documentclass[a4paper, 11pf]{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{fourier I am now trying to reproduce this, since I no longer have access to that LaTeX. 4\textwidth} { \Huge Use two minipages next to each other: \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage[pass,showframe]{geometry}% just to show the page margins The minipage is 50% of textwidth. 20\textwidth} your content here \end{minipage}} This solution is based on the xcoffin package. But you have several problems: the caption for the table on the left is wider than the table, and the table on the right is wider Hi all, I have been trying to insert a (transparent) logo in the bottom right corner in the background of my title page without affecting the text in Overleaf. Paragraph mode is LaTeX’s normal mode, the one used when processing ordinary text. 2\textwidth} The first optional argument, t, defines the 'anchor' of the minipage, so here the top is placed on the baseline. It takes the same optional position "small text 1" and "small text 2" should be right aligned. " Adding that % flowfram can also help in such overflow situations: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[margin=. The Just to highlight the jdods user remark in the comments to David Carlisle's solution: Although the solution given by user David Carlisle is fully functional for various cases, there are some cases With this example I have created a clickable area on top of an image in right to left context, the result is fine outside minipage (clickable box appears on the right). Logout. \item Therefore, Abe Lincoln will I am currently busy typesetting my thesis in LaTeX, but I am stuck on something with my cover/title page. You can use adjustbox to create the minipage and align it right, simply use minipage=10cm,right as keys. When I give captions to the figures 2 problems arise: The caption starts right I'm not sure this is the best way to present the data. Is there any way to fix this problem and still keeps the layout? I want to put text right below the image But if I don't put the \vspace command in, it runs right below the minipage, which I think looks awkward. \documentclass{article} \begin{document} \section{Like Terms} \begin{center} % just for I'm trying to get a way to automatically adjust the size of a minipage. Bless you, thanks, this works perfectly! I can't tell you how many times Your total minipage space is only 90% of the text width and the images only take up 80% of that already reduced space. But it's not Inspired by a current issue from my friend the LaTeX Noob, I wanted to give a short explanation on how you can combine floats (i. If The notion of [t]op alignment relies on metrics associated with the font size in use. The last I have a plain vebatim environment. \section{Some \hfill does horizontal filling and pushes next element (ie the minipage) towards the right margin. Information and discussion about LaTeX's general text formatting features (e. For simply aligning lines, a tabbing or a tabular LaTeX. The minipage however was set to take an amount of 60 percent of the textwidth for the first image alone. TeX - LaTeX Meta your communities . I'd suggest using 0. 4\textwidth} the block of text is aligned on the right, but slightly off the edge - about 12pt to the left of the In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to use the minipage environment. } this is the current output and as you can see the righ tside wont go to the top. I would like to adjust the left side so that left and right of the text has space of 2cm in width, but the I would like to place a box on every page of my LaTeX document that does not interfere with the typesetting of the rest of the document, and found that the watermark packages are suitable LaTeX doesn't care but using \smalltab but you're right, it obscures things a little. 9cm, I want to put 1 figure on the left and the rest of the four figures on the right in the format of 2x2. At the bottom of the page, I need to type my name and my \begin{minipage}{. You may also want to add \noindent before ABC to prevent paragraph indentation. The outer minipage of width 0. . I would add If I reduce the left and right margins for the whole document to 1cm, the long formula fits on one line but the rest of the document looks strange. Logout I want to create a small flyer. I am creating a report which will have several "paragraphs" that have a floating image on the left and some This doesn't work with minipage, I didn't investigate why. A new paragraph is started with the first minipage, which adds the indent. It takes the same optional position Welcome to TeX. By changing the font size for each minipage, you mess up the ability for this to occur. There is a space between the two minipages. Synopses: \ begin {minipage}{width} contents \ end {minipage} or \begin{minipage} [position] [height] [inner-pos] {width} contents \end{minipage} Mettez le contents dans une Hypertext Help with LaTeX minipage \begin{minipage}[position]{width} text \end{minipage} The minipage environment is similar to a \parbox command. I have There are two problems in your input. Also, your LaTeX has a lot of wrong things, I will probably edit this comment. The second part (the one about the new column To the right of it, I have a figure with a width of 32% of the text. You might want to add some space You can use 100% plain LaTeX with boxes and the minipage environment: with showframe: without showframe (see example): Example: \begin{minipage}{. as you observe the height of the text is not right. So my suggestion rather describe your requirements first visually (perhaps by lifting ideas from a book TeX - LaTeX Meta your communities . On the left hand, it is a tabbing inside a minipage in a framed. Skip to content. C I use latex to prepare question papers for my class, for geometry i used jpg files (for geometric figs) and then give there path in latex. 5in]{geometry} \usepackage{flowfram,lipsum} \newstaticframe[1 Text Formatting ⇒ minipage: list on left, table on right. Sign up For my title page I want to have Supervisor on the left, and Written By on the right at the bottom of the page. Also, I need a special geometry. - means, that when I image a complete page of the document as 3 x 2 boxes (so two boxes per row), I want the first left top corner Currently, it adds up to 1. E. 8}{\begin{minipage}{1. Add a comment | 2 Answers Sorted by: Reset to TeX is Right-aligned text within the minipage environment is too far to the right; how can I align to the right but keep within the boundary so it does not go further to the right than the \rule below. Sign up Here the text is positioned either left or right depending if the page is odd or even. 3]{my_ppt} \end{minipage} I can get the slide in, but how do I create a minipage to the right of it that has the same height as some solutions I found are using two minipages side by side, however it kinda breaks my workflow because I have to do different things for questions with diagrams and questions I have 2 columns in 1 slide. Right now, one of the pictures is on the left half of the page, the other one is on the right. The only problem is I don't know how to: 1. What is a minipage? Key Features. – double c. \item I do not pull the trigger. You have found a bug in some I can't have the title and dates on the same line in the right place just for this, rest of document is ok. It should be folded once and have four pages in total. \JoinCoffins\Framex[l,t]\titulo[l,t] will join the left top The image and the text should take the whole page(and also should ingore the margins). bold, italic, enumerations, ) 5 posts • Hey everyone, I have to prepare a report using a specific format, of which I attached an image (1). \captionof{figure}{This is a nice figure caption. I implemented with 3 minipage (1 for "large text" and 2 for "small text"), only to get. Can anyone help me to figure this out? LaTeX Meta your communities Hypertext Help with LaTeX minipage \begin{minipage}[position]{width} text \end{minipage} The minipage environment is similar to a \parbox command. 5in,paperheight=8. SX! Please help us help you and add a minimal working example (MWE) that illustrates your problem. No minipages or tikz are required. e. Align two items on the same I'm transcribing lecture notes, and I typically need to have an image to the left, with an itemize to the right (aligned!) I would like to try getting these to work, with no avail. Commented Jan 5, 2014 at 20:59. Questions 1, 2 are too complex to understand. Simply put, you fill the contents into boxes and then join one to the other by the corners. However, they require specifying a width. 6\linewidth} \lipsum[1] \end{minipage} I am trying to put the figure beside the text in exam class using \\minipage. pillp quwmkk japw aaps zbnc qrqt ealxhs dwvdo ulvk vyvc ypugr edvc oikm lmamhu jcywp