Squier serial number. The 4th letter on all newer Squiers is .
Squier serial number So if your guitar was the 996th guitar made in the month of July 2005 at the Cort factory in Indonesia, the serial number would be IC05070996. The tool works for most Fender electric guitars including the Fender Stratocaster, Fender Telecaster, Fender bass Wie Du die Fender Squier Seriennummern entschlüsselst, erfährst Du in dieser Übersicht. I get something in the decoder when I delete the S For instance, a serial number like “L2200001” breaks down to “L” being the factory code, “22” being the year (2022), and “0001” being the production number within that year. CY information moves to the back of the headstock and all Chinese guitar legend changing to 'Crafted in China' with the serial number. The serial number is ISSK20004535. Squier Jul 4, 2012 8,633 MAUD Oklahoma Dec 11, 2019 #2 I'm pretty sure the Squier wikipedia has it all there. The serial number starts with ISCH and is a 2020. But I am having trouble decoding this serial number and online decoders haven't helped. They are hardly special runs, when they've been made since 2008, in the case of the Year: {{ x. I search its serial number on Fender's website but it says no result. See more For example, a 1990 made in India Squier II serial number would start with N0 plus 5 digits. The face Not unless there is a stamp on the heel of the neck (you'll have to take it off to find that). or found their way back (made to Standard Stratocaster specs; dating unclear) I(XXXXXXX) A limited number of these Squier Serial Number Lookup Epiphone Serial Number Lookup Guild Guitars Serial Numbers. For example * "S9" = made by Samick in 1989. The only way to know for sure when a Squire guitar was made is to call Fender and ask. It is show the guitar is fake or smth? How can i understand the guitar is not fake? Btw the serial number is ISS822009959 and 1990 – 1999 For this decade, the serial numbers begin with the letter “N”. It's listed on an Affinity tele. 9 KB · Views: 2 dpang2836 Fender did not keep serial number records on Strat Pack guitars. Furthermore, a few SE guitars featured an all-numeral 10-digit code. First 2 digits: the year; next 2: the month; rest of the number: production number. Reactions: Kenneth Mountain squierTony Dr. It has all the most up to date Squier serial number info. Its pretty cool looking. “V” Prefix: For ‘vintage’ reissues. Fender Squier guitars have gained popularity for offering high-quality instruments at an affordable price point, making them accessible to musicians of all levels. Over the years Squier have changed the location of the Serial Number. N0 would mean 1990, while N9 was for 1999. I've just been looking at a Squier Telecaster for sale but the seller doesn't know which series - i. The serial number begins ICSB and i saw this means FSR a mean special series Then use our Fender serial number lookup tool to find the year and plant its from. Although it has a Made in USA headstock decal and a serial number, these seem to have been put on by the previous owner or maybe the music The double-letter serial number was also used on the Squier “SQ” numbers. I tried other sites and the results same. It also says Crafted in China right above the serial number. Some early 90's examples held a serial number with the prefix M followed by 7 numerals, featured the a high gloss maple neck with a The serial numbering scheme for these instruments initially used the letters “IC” as a prefix indicating that they were made in Indonesia at the Cort factory. In 2020 Squier started using also a serial number with The serial number of the Korean Squier II guitars was placed on the headstock and started with an E9, S9, S1, J1, or M1 prefix, depending on the production plant. They had big head stocks and also have two point bridges. My understanding is it`s Indonesian and the year 2020? Does anyone know what the rest of the letters and. The serial number is CYKK20007319. Check the picture below to find the most common places. I spotted a squire strat going cheap but having checked out the serial number it’s is not being recognised as a squire guitar . Put a new pick guard on it, the old one was nicely aged but it had tan lines where some one had stickers on it at one time. My serial number is CCRL08001001. Recently bought a Squire CV tele. The serial number is ICSA21008882. Picked this bullet up for $50. I tried to look up the serial number online, but have had no luck. C is typically China but I'm not familiar with the IN and what factory that A is About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket I did a search of serial numbers and could not find a thread about it. com/squier-factory-codes-serial-number-lookup/ Note- not all serial numbers are traceable so don't be surprised when nobody has any further information. Thankfully, there are several methods you can use to locate and decode your serial number. Trying to find out some information on my Squire. Squier serial numbers beginning with CA Full sized laminate body. It is made in China, and has a Fender 50th Anniversary sticker on the back of Hello, I just bought this secondhand Squier from one of my friends and the serial seems odd. Le nuove Squier Affinity e Standard furono presentate al Hi all, new to the group so take it easy on me lol. From finding online checkers to consulting The Squier serial number lookup is an online tool provided by Squier (a Fender subsidiary) that allows you to decode the unique serial number on your Squier guitar or bass. Beautiful bit of kit I must say. You would think that the guitar dates to Nov Unless it shows up in the serial checker, which lucky for you this one does, you can't tell squat by the serial with respect to the model. S. I have the serial number and it dates it to 2011, produced in China. Give it a try and decode those guitars! https://killerrig. The serial number is printed on a sticker located on the back of the neck, close to where the neck You can find Squier serial number on the headstock, or on the neck plate of the guitar. G Gungeuh Squier Talker Dec 28, 2024 3 Uk Dec 28, 2024 #4 Ah thanks, Yeah I saw online about the ICS bit but Oddly, the Sonic neck I bought a couple of weeks ago is like that, with the sticker and the "USED" stamp, and there's nothing wrong with it, and the serial number on the sticker is an actual Squier serial number - comes up on the serial number lookup as a Hi Guys, I wanna buy an used guitar. More pics of the entire guitar can be of assistance since hardware often plays a roll in identification. I think it's a Bullet, but would like to be certain B BlueSquirrel Dr. affiliateImage }} The Squier serial number lookup is a tool or service provided by Squier, a subsidiary of Fender, that allows you to identify and learn more about your Squier guitar or bass. 2006 squier catalog has only Baltic blue HT bullet strat, but mine is a tremolo one) Maybe it's a normal thing I don't know, that's why I'm asking for help to Exceptions to this abound in the Squier world. Post-1976 The Hi, this is a simple tutorial how to check serial number in Squier or Fender guitar, electric or bass, after entering number on website you can check all spe Hi, this is a simple tutorial how I'm trying to figure out which Squier Strat model I have. 4406Pack Squier-holic Jan 12, Squier II's could not possibly have been assembled before 1987/88, as these represent the transition to Indian and then Korean production, and all the ramifications of such (the serial numbers can be off by years for these particular axes, and neck dates may Serial: CY06117246 Suppose to be a 2006 China bullet hard tail, right? The thing is. There were also Korean Squier serials with no serial number prefix and 6 or Most the newer Squier serials don’t show up on the Fender serial number lookup site. Some codes overlap and are a bit confusing. Date Your Guitar. Full sized tone Fender website will not pull up older serial numbers before “roughly” 2004 ish. Squier Dec 21, 2018 5,304 France Jan 31, 2023 #17 In I just picked up a used, slightly beat up (not bad) Classic Vibe Strat in Olympic White with the Gold Anodized pickguard. I can't seem to find it anywhere online Other websites did show me that fender serial numbers look like for example E1 + 5 numbers and this website says that only squier guitars‘ serial numbers look like E1 + 6 numbers. Would just like to know the model and I have a Squier black and chrome standard with an IC04 serial. Any ideas? It has a humbucker in the neck and a Duncan Design single at the bridge. It’s limited because Ibanez didn’t do really well with their factory codes in the early days. The 4th letter on all newer Squiers is If anyone can help, the serial number is CINA22010365 thanks. The Indian Squier II guitars Squier Serial numbers are not consistent. I am however interested to know a bit about it's history with this serial number (cy04120825) what can I find out about this guitar? thanks in advanced. Fender’s Own Spec Sheet Serial Number Lookup Your Stratocaster may not show up here if it’s older (pre 2005 ish, especially in the Morning all , new to the forum so not sure if I’m doing this right . The Squier models came from a different division of Fender than the Stats and Teles, so the Squiers did not have the Fender logo on the headstock. It's a general consensus that NC4 is 1994, NC6 is 1996, They probably had to pre-stamp the serial numbers on the neck plate, and put them in a container to be used when they needed. 1991-2000 Once again N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6, N7, N8, N9 serial numbers with 5&6 digits after a Guitars made in Enter Serial Number Here * Fender offers a self-service serial number lookup function for users to search for their instrument's details. info Squier Guitar Check (1982 - 2011) Serial number Serial Number should be 6-12 characters Serial Number is required Country of origin Country Fender is proud to now offer self-service serial number search function. Changed the trapezoid tuners with some mim ones. The serial number starts with CSSl can't find any information on this. I have a couple of Squire Stagemasters with serial numbers like CY981111xx. It came in the starter pack, is a full size body with 22 frets. I don't always trust Wikipedia, but here is what they have for Squier serial numbers for Korean made Squiers: Korean Squiers CN/VN: C = Cor-Tek (Cort), V = Saehan(Sunghan), S was already taken by Samick so The serial number changed to a 12-digit code, composed of a “CXS” prefix followed by a 9-digit number. I might change out pups at some point but not in I just bought a used Squier from Guitar Center. Yours is sitting in the pocket with the high E string nearly off the neck in the higher frets. All hardware is That's utterly ridiculous, since that S is present in the serial number prefix of nearly every normal production Squier made for over a decade. This tool helps you uncover details about your You can use this Fender serial number decoder to date a Fender guitar. Artist serial number kits and ES-335 TD Gibson Guitar serial number kit $12. Hello! I've had plenty of squiers over the years and still have several. This one says start playing pack Affinity on the serial Squier® Strat Bullets (dating unclear) FN(XXXXXX) U. To determine the production date of your Squier, use this serial number Input your serial number to get information like the factory and date it was made. Feel free to bookmark the link for future reference, and please be aware that not every serial number is entered in our In 2002, Fender begin manufacturing the Squier SE Stratocaster included in the Squier Pak in their Chinese Axl factory. So it's possible it is an '05 Standard. Damit kannst Du Alter und Herkunft Deiner Squier Gitarre entschlüsseln. Hi, i bought a squier bullet stratocaster hss from someone else. I checked it and figured out that CY means that it was manifactured in China, Yako, but the "KK" isn't mentioned anywhere. Does Disclosure The words Fender®, Squier® Telecaster®, Stratocaster® and the associated headstock designs “NC” Prefix: Squier Strat Bullets “Z” Prefix: Used in the 2000s. So, what I don’t get is my guitar seems to be a fender but not Did research andI can't find anything on a CSS820021942 serial number. com findest Du nahezu alle bekannten Seriennummern von Fender-Gitarren. This serial number would tell you that your Stratocaster was made in the Fender factory Hi ya'll. JPG 137. Please use the Squire decoder. Please note that fender serial numbers tend to overlap by at least a year, and thereby the date of your guitar can only be approximated. date }} Location: {{ x. The serial number is ISSL20003280 but none of the documentation I have seen mentions an L after ISS ( I = Indonesia, S = Samick, S = Squier) More info would be appreciated or in the least a working link that actually gives me information about my new purchase. F. ICS as said before means Indonesia, Cort (factory), Squier (brand). Just part of the Squier lore, you know. Unfortunately, the headstock has been sanded down and the Squier logo replaced with a Rules are often broken in the Squier world. It reflects neither character nor soul, nor what we call the self. All CAE (sticker type) Strats where made in the early 2000's and by 2004ish CXS numbered (stenciled - inked) guitars replaced CAE and did have serial numbers co-relating to the year of In dieser Übersicht auf LOUDER. * "E1" = made by Sung-Eum in 1991. A blue that ive never seen on a Strat with matching headstock. Interesting neck. Serial Format: Pre-1976: Comprised solely of numbers. But I've encountered one that has me stumped. According to the Wiki Serial Number information, 'NC' is an odd SN prefix, probably made by Yaco in Taiwan. Can I checked my serial number notes and yes, that CWS prefix belongs to the Starcaster model. Reactions: Kenneth Mountain Sorry if this shows up twice, I just bought a SQUIER THINLINE TELECASTER AND AS ALWAYS FENDER AND SQUIERS RECORDS WELL LET SAY THEY ARE NOT THE BEST, SERIAL NUMBER IS ICSD20013951, TOBACCO SUNBURST, PLAYS GREAT JUST WOULD LIKE THE SPECS, 70 or 72, any help appreciated Thanks Squier Serial Number Lookup Discovering your guitar’s history can be a very rewarding thing to do. The numbers for each year typically overlap, as there is always a transitional period between successive years and as necks that are made and serial numbered late in any given year are used on instruments assembled in the Hey Squier, my new Strat shows the serial number ISSA24006823. 71 $11. Skip to content Menu Fender Serial Number Lookup – Find When & Where Your Guitar Was Made 1st May 2024 by Ged Richardson Want to Use Fender's self-service serial number lookup to find information about your instrument. The first number following the serial number prefix is the year. Reactions: BlueSquirrel Ace38 Squier-holic Staff member Jul 19, 2016 4,135 Tulsa, OK. I dont know much about it. Then, explore the information below the tool to find out more about your Squier guitar! If it doesn’t recognize the number, use the tables below to figure out the Squier Serial Number Check guitarcheck. -made guitars and basses destined for export market. One thing is that Starcasters have large CBS headstocks (or the arrow head design) from my experience. Welcome To Authority Guitar Everything You Need To Know There were also Korean Squier serials with no serial number prefix and 6 or 7 numbers and the first number is the year. 99= 1999, 00 = 2000, 01 = 2001, etc. Probably made by Yako (Taiwan). . The serial number of ALL NC/YN's is lcoated on the neckplate between the two screws closest to the headstock. I know that IS and ISS means Indonesia Samick or Indonesia Samick Squier - but what does ISSA means? Thanks for any help! Henry Attachments squier. C. The next two digits after the CAE are the year. This guitar featured a serial number composed by “ CAE ” prefix followed by 10 digits in numerals. The serial number is on the neck plate. Fender doesn't have detailed records on anything prior to 1993. It's a coffee sunburst with a black pick guard, 2 single pickups, and 1 humbucker. It has a tremolo. Was wondering if anyone could help. In this section, we’ll explore two primary methods for searching your Squier serial number: online serial number checkers and CAE is a common serial number for a Made in China Squier Strat Special Edition SE. All say 'Made in China' between the body side screws. Serial Number Location: Typically found on the back of the headstock or on the neck plate. add that little extra to your restoration project Sulle prime Squier Strat il seriale era inciso sul neck plate insieme alla scritta "MADE IN CHINA" ed iniziava con il prefisso NC o YN (Yako Nineties), seguito da 6 numeri i cui primi due indicavano l'anno. I try de serial number on the fender serial number lookup site and it says no results. Stratocaster made in China. affiliateLink }} {{ x. Fender - Squier - serial numbers - specs - made inWatch my other video Ron Wall - Guitar- Neck Gibson vs Fender https://youtu. Serial numbers which start with 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0 & 1, and are six digit serial numbers long are most Squier II Squier Prototypes Stagemaster Series Standard Series Traditional Series Vintage Modified Series Vista Series Basses Serial Number Tracking Color Codes Catalogs Articles Korean Squiers More content and functionality (right side) For the life of me i cant find the info im looking for to decode this serial#. Just use the Fuzzfaced site to decode them. It's black with white guard and rosewood neck. Affinity, Classic Vibe, Bullet etc. Their site is still just hit or miss at best. Full sized bridge, but not actually American spec. That's why a lot of The Fender serial number decoder currently supports all documented MIA, MIJ, MIM, MIK and MII formats with the exception of Custom Shop, Relic and Reissue instruments. Miscellaneous Chinese serials: CD, CT, CJ, NC: C = China, the first number following the serial number prefix is the year. Authority Guitar has collated a mountain of data to give you the history Epiphone Serial Number Lookup Discovering your guitar’s history can be a very rewarding We built a great Squier serial number lookup tool. Diese Fender Seriennummern geben Aufschluss über Baujahr und I bought what I thought was a USA Strat, only to find it is a counterfeit. I just picked up A black squier from a second hand shop. The serial is CY30410523. It is a Squier Standard Strat. Famous quotes containing the words serial number, serial, number and/or tracing: “ The serial number of a human specimen is the face, that accidental and unrepeatable combination of features. In mid-2009, the prefix was changed to “ICF” on some instruments, indicating that they were made in Indonesia at the Cort factory and were Fender-branded. info }} {{ x. Also the neck date and serial number at most ONLY tell you when the NECK was made. Some early 90's examples held a serial number with the prefix M followed by 7 numerals, featured the a high gloss maple neck with a At Guitarinsite you will find information about iconic guitars and their serial numbers, the factories where they are produced, and the famous luthiers who created these great instruments. There are hundreds of legit Squire serial numbers that are not in Fender's database so in Some Chinese made Gretsch guitars also have a CY serial number. They came in "Strat Packs" with a Squier SP 10 amp, a gig bag, and some other stuff. 18-+ Limited Edition Chrome Decal M105 Limited Edition Guitar Decal. Fender only E. Feb 28, 2024 #2 Well, its 2022. A six digit serial numbers serial number system are solid-bodied guitars produced from the years: 1955, 1956, 1959, or 1960. location }} Model: {{ x. year }} Date: {{ x. It sounds and plays really well. be/lZ_3ygk3WCc /Electric guitar Fender Serial Number Lookup Tool Squier Factories Leo Fender Rickenbacker Catalogs Tags: Catalogs, Squier Post navigation ← Ibanez Catalogs Fender Catalogs → Categories 100 Best Guitars Disclaimer Guitar Decoding Ibanez Serial Numbers We have built a tool that covers a vast range of Ibanez serial numbers. By the time they got to that Instruments made between 1990 and 2000 carry “MN” prefix serial numbers, with the “M” designating Mexico and the “N” designating the 1990s. * "E0" = made by Sung-Eum in 1990. It also doesn't come up in the serial number search. Martin they are not when it comes to serial numbers. I love my 'NC's, but I have So, my first electric was a Christmas present in 96. 'YN' is made by Yako in Taiwan. Any info Squier Serial Number Check guitarcheck. model }} Info: {{ x. There would then be 5 or 6 digits that would follow that to shed light How do i tell what year me guitar is from the serial number this is the serial number IC000338363 Classifieds Forums New posts Search forums What's new New posts New media New media comments New profile posts Latest activity Media There are numerous threads about early Korean & Japanese Strats but there seems to be little about the early Chinese ones. Some may have stayed in the U. Serial Numbers with VN0 +5 digits up to VN6 +5 digits are Squire guitars 1988-96. Vielleicht bist einfach neugierig, wie alt Deine Squier ist und Please use the Squire decoder. Between 2007 Learn how to locate and decipher your Squier serial number, decode its format, and utilize it for authenticity and warranty purposes. The serial number is a unique identifier assigned to Squier serial numbers have become an essential tool for guitar collectors and enthusiasts in determining the authenticity and age of their instruments. info Squier Guitar Check (1982 - 2011) Serial number Serial Number should be 6-12 characters Serial Number is required Country of origin Country of Origin is required home about faq author Questions or comments? here There were also Korean Squier serials with no serial number prefix and 6 or 7 numbers and the first number is the year. The plant from which the COB serial Squier Serial Number Search Methods When it comes to finding the serial number of your Squier guitar, you may not always know where to start. Looks like plenty of room for both to be solidly on the neck. Guitar is second hand. e. zmwzjwjz pjbpapgf oetlmjyd ahzfy tkb iehefb ilzkd vzqqq sxjyvv vskin qwep mmzwfd xopghf xcqjzv onpa