Waterstop rx pdf TECHNICAL DATATECHNICAL DATA FORM: TDS_WATERSTOP-RX_AM_EN_201608_V3 N A 47. Disposal Considerations Restrictions There are no product-specific restrictions, however, local council and resource consent conditions may apply, including requirements of trade waste consents. Waterstop-rX is an active sodium bentonite based waterstop that is designed to replace conventional passive PVC dumbbell waterstops, thus eliminating the requirement of split-forming and product seam welding. WATERSTOP-RX 101T is ex - truded in a trapezoidal shape measuring 31 WATERSTOP-RX® is available in two sizes (see Product Table). waterstop-RX 101 DH Waterstop RX - Free download as PDF File (. - Mažuranićevo šetalište 14, 21000 Split Tehnički ured: tel. Waterstop-RX should only be used in applications Material name: WATERSTOP-RX® 101 5029 Version #: 11 Revision date: 23-July-2018 Issue date: 13-August-2014 SDS US. It can also be used around pipe and structural penetrations. WATERSTOP-RX offers a low-cost opportunity to enhance the pe for-mance of a sound external waterproofing system by sealing the areas press the entire length of Waterstop-rX onto the adhesive. Korpele 13A Strea 12100 Szczytno T: 4 9 624 300 : 4 9 624 301 biuromineralstech. Waterstop-rX must be placed into adhesive prior to CetseaL skinning over and curing. The packaging details for WATERSTOP-RX are as follows: RX-101: 30 m per box, 25 mm x 19 mm rectangular shape, requiring a minimum concrete coverage of 75 mm. K. Size 1" x 3/4" (25 mm x 20 mm) Roll Length 16' 8" (5 m) Cross-Section Shape Rectangle; Unit Qty/Carton 100 linear feet (30 m) WATERSTOP-RX 101T. WATERSTOP-RX products are designed for . 2 (3,000 psi) compressive strength. Though WATERSTOP-RX® possesses good re - sistance to many chemicals, the waterstop is not intended to be used as the primary joint Our R&D-based offerings sets us apart as a global leader in solving even the most complex construction and environmental challenges. ). WATERSTOP-RX® is designed to replace passive PVC/ rubber dumbbell waterstops, thereby eliminating the requirement of special pieces, split-forming and seam welding. Waterstop-RX 101 are o forma rectangulara (25 mm x 19 mm). Additionally WATERSTOP-RX can seal around concrete pilings and steel H-piles passing through the slab. WATERSTOP RX101 is a sodium bentonite based waterstop designed to stop water infiltration through cast-in-place concrete construction joints by expanding upon contact press the entire length of Waterstop-rX onto the adhesive. WATERSTOP-RX iS an effective, simple. It describes the product, general applications, installation procedures, and specific applications such as NCRETE JOINT WATERSTOP DESCRIPTION is a hydrophilic strip waterstop designed to stop water infiltration through cast-in-place concrete construction joints by expanding upon contact WatErstop-rx® is an expanding strip waterstop designed to stop water infiltration through cast-in-place concrete construction joints. i, VOLCLAY 3/4 . net EN English Deutsch Français Español Português Italiano Român Nederlands Latina Dansk Svenska Norsk Magyar Bahasa Indonesia Türkçe Suomi Latvian Lithuanian český русский български WATERSTOP-RX® is an expanding strip waterstop designed to stop water ingress through cast-in-place concrete construction joints. • Can expand several times its volume to fill voids. * Waterstop-RX® atitinkamus lanksčius ilgius negalima ilgam laiko periodui įmerkti į vandenį prieš jų apribojimą. Upon contact with water, it expands to form a positive seal against the concrete. waterstop-rx---sds-us - Free download as PDF File (. Spoj okomitog zida TECHNICAL DATATECHNICAL DATA FORM: TDS_WATERSTOP-RX_AM_EN_20201214_V1 N A 47. WATERSTOP-RX 101 is extruded in a rectangular shape measuring 25 mm x 19 mm x 5. Cetco Volclay Waterstop-RX 101 Bentonite Waterstop . pdf - masco. and economical material for cast-in-place concrete joints. Waterstop-rX is not designed, nor intended to function as an expansion joint sealant. Disposal Product identifier WATERSTOP-RX® Other means of identification None. It is made from sodium bentonite, which expands to form an impermeable barrier, and WATERSTOP-RX® 101T is produced in a trapezoidal shape measuring 31 x 12 mm (1-1/4” x 1/2”) with a reinforcing plastic scrim embedded in the top surface for high tensile strength. com www. com waterstop-rx® CORDON EXPANDABIL APA-STOP PENTRU ROSTURI LA BETOANE MANUALUL PRODUSULUI - 2 - North America: +1 847. WATERSTOP-RX is an active bentonite/butyl-rubber based waterstop that is designed to replace passive PVC/Rubber dumbbell waterstops, thereby eliminating the requirement of Waterstop-RX-Product-Data-1693262 - Free download as PDF File (. The key to WATERSTOP-RX® DH’s effectiveness is its superior expansion to seal and fill voids and cracks in the concrete. pdf), Text File (. Do not use any other adhesive or construction sealant, except CetseaL, to secure Waterstop-rX. Waterstop RX je dizajniran za konstruktivni beton s minimalno 3000 psi. Waterstop RX101 - Free download as PDF File (. WATERSTOP-RX 101T is ex - truded in a trapezoidal shape measuring 31 WATERSTOP-RX is a hydrophilic strip waterstop designed to stop water infiltration through cast-in-place concrete construction joints by expanding upon contact with water to form a positive seal against the concrete. Waterstop-rX is a flexible strip concrete construction joint waterstop that provides a permanent seal by expanding upon contact with water. SDS Canada Canadian French - WATERSTOP-RX® 102 WATERSTOP-RX® (min 75 mm pokrivenost) Beton Cijev Standardno postavljanje WATERSTOP-RX® na temeljima Minimum 75 mm pokrivenost betona čelik za ojačavanje Ojačana ploča PRIKAZ PRESJEKA SPOJA PLOČE Postavite WATERSTOP-RX® na svim slijevnim spojevima zida Postavite WATERSTOP-RX® na spojeve na podnožju/ zidu WATERSTOP-RX® (min 75 Waterstop RX is to be used where watertight integrity is the prime issue. CetseaL may be WATERSTOP-RX. txt) or read online for free. WATERSTOP-RX works in both continuous hydrostatic and intermittent hydrostatic conditions. WATERSTOP-RX products are designed for reinforced structural concrete with a Slika 1. Vuugilint kinnitada aluspinnale tsingitud võrguga Revo-Fix ja betooninaeltega. U slučaju konstruktivne dilatacije kontaktirajte DRACO MERX za odgovarajuće rješenje. Defined by our dedicated scientific team and FORM: LL_WATERSTOP-RX_AM_EN_201808_V2 August 15, 2018 WATERSTOP-RX LEED™ PRODUCT INFORMATION WATERSTOP-RX, concrete joint waterstop material consists of natural sodium bentonite and butyl rubber compound. press the entire length of Waterstop-rX onto the adhesive. WATERSTOP-RX® ir hidrofils sloksnes veida ūdens necaurlaidīgs materiāls, kas paredzēts konstrukcijas šuvju izolēšanai objektā betonētām konstrukcijām, kas darbojas materiālamizplešoties saskarsmē ar ūdeni, veidojot blīvējumu ar Material name: WATERSTOP-RX® 101T 5029 Version #: 11 Revision date: 23-July-2018 Issue date: 13-August-2014 SDS US. Waterstop RX is a high performance bentonite/butyl rubber swellable waterstop for vertical and horizontal cast-in-place, reinforced concrete structural joints. WATERSTOP-RX este disponibil in 3 tipodimensiuni (vezi tabelul produselor). 1. WATERSTOP-RX 101 este extrudat cu sectiune rectangulara la dimensiunile de 25 mm x 19 mm x 5 m lungime. OSHA Table Z-1 Limits for Air Contaminants (29 CFR 1910. hr WATERSTOP RX PRIRUČNIK ZA IZVOĐENJE RX 101 je dizajniran za okomite i vodoravne armirane betone debljine 200 mm i više, s dva reda armaturnog čelika (Slika 2. WATERSTOP-RX 101T is ex - truded in a trapezoidal shape measuring 31 WATERSTOP-RX is designed to replace passive PVC/rubber dumbbell waterstops, thereby eliminating the requirement of special pieces, split-forming and seam welding. com 01 CETCO IMPORTANT The nformatio ontaine erei upersede l reviou rinted ersions n elieved o e ccurate nd eliable. US. • Seals pipe penetrations that PVC waterstops cannot effeiciently seal. WATERSTOP-RX offers a low-cost opportunity to enhance the pe for-mance of a sound external waterproofing system by sealing the areas pipes. Waterstop-RX is WATERSTOP-RX® is an expanding strip waterstop designed to stop water ingress through cast-in-place concrete construction joints. 1 7. Title: CPY Document MANUALUL PRODUSULUI www. eu - 814 608 814 Cetco Waterstop-RX is an expanding strip waterstop designed to stop water ingress through cast-in-place concrete construction joints. A. Markup PDF documents; Send submittals by email or as a webpage; Sales Leads and RFQ Feature. WATERSTOP-RX 103 is a hydrophilic concrete waterstop designed to seal joints and prevent water DOC: DDOP_03_20_WATERSTOP_RX_101_202011_V2 CETCO POAND CETCO Sp. WATERSTOP-RX is designed to replace passive PVC/rubber dumbbell waterstops, thereby eliminating the requirement of special pieces Waterstop-RX TechData. * Jeigu Waterstop-RX® išbrinksta 1. Size Waterstop-RX a fost testat cu succes de laboratoare independente la presiuni hidrostatice de peste 60 m coloana de apa, atat in imersie continua cat si la cicluri umed/uscat. o. Waterstop-RX 101T are o Waterstop-RX naudojamas siūlių, susidarančių betonavimo pertraukos metu, sandarinimui; Senų ir naujai betonuojamų elementų sandūrose; Ant nereguliaraus paviršiaus; Aplink įbetonuotus vamzdžius ir pan. The document provides product information and installation instructions for Waterstop-RX, an expanding concrete joint Waterstop-RX products are designed for structural concrete with a minimum of 3,000 psi compressive strength. Waterstop-RX is an active sodium bentonite based waterstop that is designed to replace conventional passive PVC dumbbell waterstops, thus eliminating the requirement of split-forming and product seam welding. pl Sd eonowy w Olsztynie VIII Wydzia ospodarczy raowego eestru Sdowego S: NIP: ON: . 1800 | +1 800. Recommended use Not available. reinforced structural concrete with a mini-mum of 20N/mm. WATERSTOP-RX is not designed, nor intended to function as an expansion joint sealant. WATERSTOP-RX is not a self-adhering product. WATERSTOP-RX is extruded in three sizes and shapes (see Figure 1. Waterstop-RX is a flexible strip concrete construction joint waterstop that provides a permanent seal by expanding upon contact with water. Waterstop-RX Product Manual - Free download as PDF File (. Recommended restrictions Workers (and your customers or users in the case of resale) should be informed of the potential presence of respirable dust and respirable crystalline silica as well as their potential hazards. Technical Data Sheet ; SDS US Spanish - WATERSTOP-RX® 102; WATERSTOP-RX® 102 - SDS US; Safety Data Sheets. Waterstop-RX 102 requires a minimum concrete coverage of 2” (50 mm). 50 karto daugiau už pradinį dydį iki įkapsulavimo betone, jis pakeičiamas nauja medžiaga. Find submittal-ready datasheets, SDS, specs, ICC-ES reports. Typical applications where there is a need to achieve a water seal include: Note: The product’s design and performance, its intended use, installation and final confirmation and approval for use, must be provided by the - RX 103 – tavalint 10 x 15 mm - RX 101 DH – orgaanilise kilega kaetud lint Kasutusskeem waterstop-RX 101 waterstop-RX 101 DH Iseloomustus Waterstop-RX paigalduse juhised: waterstop RX vuugilint paigaldada kõve-nenud betoonpinnale. WATERSTOP-RX products are designed for structural concrete with a minimum of 20N/ mm2 3,000 psi compressive Waterstop-RX is a product in the Waterstops for Concrete category. Waterstop-RX is designed for both continuous and intermittent hydrostatic conditions and has been SAFETY DATA SHEET 1. Waterstop-RX is extruded in three sizes and shapes (see Figure 1. Waterstop-RX is a hydrophilic strip waterstop designed to stop water infiltration through cast-in-place concrete construction joints by expanding upon contact with water to form a positive seal against the Waterstop-RX is a flexible strip concrete construction joint waterstop that provides a positive seal by expanding upon contact with water. WATERSTOP-RX® offers a low-cost opportunity to enhance the perfor-mance of a sound external waterproofing system by sealing the areas BBA-Approval-Waterstop-RX - Free download as PDF File (. WATERSTOP-RX® 102 is produced in a half-circle (Crescent) shape measuring 19 x 9 mm (3/4” x 3/8”). Waterstop RX 101 zahtjeva minimalno 75 mm betona preko sebe. Self-injecting hydrophilic waterstop for concrete construction joints. 851. WATERSTOP-RX WATERSTOP-RX® is manufactured in lightweight, flexible coils and can be easily installed by a single worker without extensive training—Simply apply WATERSTOP-RX® to a prepared surface and press it into place. For vertical and overhead applications, firmly press a minimum of 15 seconds to assure adhesion. 9948 Waterstop-RX se realizeaza prin extrudare in 3 tipodimensiuni (vezi fig. For best results apply Waterstop-rX within 15 minutes of adhesive installation. WATERSTOP-RX is an active sodium bentonite based waterstop that is designed to replace conventional passive PVC dumbbell waterstops, thus eliminating the requirement of split WATERSTOP-RX® features an active bentonite/butyl-rubber construction and has been successfully tested by independent testing firms to over 60 meters (200 feet) of hydrostatic water Waterstop-RX is a sodium bentonite based waterstop designed to stop water infiltration through cast-in-place concrete construction joints by expanding upon contact with water to form he WATERSTOP-RX® is an expanding strip waterstop designed to stop wa-ter ingress through cast-in-place concrete construction joints. TDS_WATERSTOP-RX_103_EMEA_EN_202001_V1 - Free download as PDF File (. For precast concrete applications, contact manufacturer for product suitability and for any special installation requirements. 527. It expands upon contact with water to form a positive seal WATERSTOP-RX is extruded in three sizes and shapes (see Figure 1. Workers (and your customers or users in the case of resale) should be informed of the potential presence of respirable dust and respirable crystalline silica as WATERSTOP-RX is extruded in three sizes and shapes (see Figure 1. Identification Product identifier WATERSTOP-RX® 101 Other means of identification Not available. 2. pdf - Free download as PDF File (. 1 - Bubreća svojstva Waterstop RX-a. 75 mm betona aizsargkārta) Ieklāt NAPOMENA: Waterstop RX nije dizajniran, niti namijenjen kao brtva za konstruktivne dilatacije. CetseaL may be concrete. 021 340 822, fax. UPDATED: PS_WATERSTOP-RX_AM_EN_201508_V2 WATERSTOP-RX® Exceptional Waterproofing Performance: Protection from Water Ingress: • Proven effective on projects worldwide for more than 20 years. WATERSTOP-RX offers a low-cost opportunity to enhance the pe for-mance of a sound external waterproofing system by sealing the areas TECHNICAL DATATECHNICAL DATA FORM: TDS_WATERSTOP-RX_AM_EN_20201214_V1 N A 47. WATERSTOP-RX® DH is an active waterstop that is designed to replace passive PVC/Rub-ber dumbbell waterstops, thereby eliminating the requirement of special pieces, split-forming and seam ®welding. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. The Waterstop-RX product manual details the specifications, applications, and installation procedures for an expanding concrete joint waterstop designed to create a permanent seal upon contact with water. WATERSTOP-RX 101 T este extrudat cu sectiune trapezoidala la di-mensiunile de 31 mm x 12 mm x 6 m lungime, avand o ranforsare din VOLCLAY WATERSTOP-RX ® EXPANDING CONCRETE JOINT WATERSTOP T E C H D A T A WATERSTOP-RX is a reliable, cost-effective means to stop water infiltration through concrete cold joints. 5 mg/m3 1333-86-4) Waterstop-RX products are designed for structural concrete with a minimum of 3,000 psi compressive strength. CetseaL may be WATERSTOP-RX® 102. WATERSTOP-RX® 103 is pro-duced in a rectangular shape measuring 15 x 10 mm. Waterstop-RX should only be used in applications WATERSTOP-RX is extruded in three sizes and shapes (see Figure 1. 1000) Components Type Value Form CARBON BLACK (CAS PEL 3. The waterstop is typically placed centrally in the joint and is designed to prevent WATERSTOP-RX- & WATERSTOP-XP _ Minerals Technologies Inc_ (1). WATErSTOP-rX 101T is produced in a trapezoidal shape measuring 1-1/4" x 1/2" (31 x 12mm) with a reinforcing WATERSTOP-RX is designed to replace passive PVC/rubber dumbbell waterstops, thereby eliminating the requirement of special pieces, split-forming and seam welding. Waterstop-RX 101 and RX-101T require a minimum of 3” (75 mm) of concrete coverage. WaterstopRX101 instructions and manual Case Study 1 - Waterstop-RX - Free download as PDF File (. The key to Waterstop-RX has been successfully tested by independent testing firms to over 200 feet (60 meters) of hydrostatic water pressure, under both continuous emersion and wet/dry cycling. (See CetSeal products for details). apita zaadowy: PN wpacony w caoci No 03/20/WATERSTOP-RX 101 1. 16 Expanding Waterstops PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: WATERSTOP-RX is a hydrophilic strip waterstop designed to stop water infiltration through cast-in-place concrete secure Waterstop-rX alone. Waterstop RX® is an active Bentonite/ Butyl rubber-based waterstop that is MTI’s mineral-to-market and technological capabilities are rooted in our responsibly managed global facilities and resources—and continue to expand through customer-focused innovation. WATERSTOP-RX works in both continuous hydrostatic and in-termittent hydrostatic conditions. WATErSTOP-rX 101 is pro-duced in a rectangular shape measuring 1" x 3/4" (25 x 19mm). 03 DRACO MERX d. z o. Receive Waterstop- RX 103 DH - The Delayed Hydration means the waterstop can handle some pre-hydration prior to encapsulation making it ideal for situations where the product may be Waterstop-RX by CETCO Health Product Declaration v2. 2). Waterstop-RX 101T are o WATERSTOP-RX is designed to replace passive PVC/rubber dumbbell waterstops, thereby eliminating the requirement of special pieces, split-forming and seam welding. S. GENERAL APPLICATION DETAIL FOOTING/WALL JOINT WATERSTOP-RX Place WATERSTOP-RX inside of outer WatErstop-rx is available in three sizes and shapes (see Product Table on back page). WATERSTOP-RX offers a low-cost opportunity to enhance the pe for-mance of a sound external waterproofing system by sealing the areas WATERSTOP-RX can be installed at all wall pour joints, slab pour joints, footing/wall joints, and can be connected with reinforcing steel to form a continuous waterstop. VOLCLAY WATERSTOP-RX ® EXPANDING CONCRETE JOINT WATERSTOP T E C H D A T A WATERSTOP-RX is a reliable, cost-effective means to stop water infiltration through concrete cold joints. Waterstop-RX® gali būti WATERSTOP-RX se realizeaza prin extrudare in 3 tipodimensiuni (vezi fig. Identification Product identifier WATERSTOP-RX® Other means of identification Not available. Waterstop-RX is an active waterstop that functionally replaces conventional passive PVC dumbbell waterstops. WATERSTOP-RX® is one of the most efficient and effective waterproofing products available today for preventing water penetration in concrete joints. WATERSTOP-RX 101T is ex - truded in a trapezoidal shape measuring 31 WATERSTOP-RX® is available in three size/shape configurations for effective fit in nearly any appropriate construction gap: WATERSTOP-RX 101. 021 322 729 www. GENERAL APPLICATION DETAIL FOOTING/WALL JOINT WATERSTOP-RX Place WATERSTOP-RX inside of outer Hydrophilic Strip Waterstop. dracomerx. WATERSTOP WATERSTOP-RX is extruded in three sizes and shapes (see Figure 1. 99 . cetco. Upon contact with water, it expands to form a positive NCRETE JOINT WATERSTOP DESCRIPTION WATERSTOP-RX is a hydrophilic strip wa-terstop designed to stop water infiltration through cast-in-place concrete construction joints by Install Waterstop-RX directly to soldier piles when wood lagging is po-sitioned outside the piles toward the retained earth or when the wood agging is positioned adjacent to the pile’s outer The document provides product information and installation instructions for Waterstop-RX, an expanding concrete joint waterstop. Architectural Spec ; Certification ; LEED ; Manual ; Case Study: Washington, DC Constitution Square Waterstop-RX ® Safety Data Sheet Page 5 of 6 August 2022 Product Name: Waterstop -RX® 13. 1). the concrete. 03 m (1”x3/4”x16’8”). waterstop-rx ® sr zhzq wu]qhm vwurqlh qdmedug]lhm z\vxql w\fk qd ]hzq wu] su wyz ]eurmhqlrz\fk 0lq pp rg ]hzq wu]qhm srzlhu]fkql rfldq\ waterstop-rx ® taśma bentonitowa waterstop rx - hurtland. WATERSTOP-RX 101T is ex - truded in a trapezoidal shape measuring 31 press the entire length of Waterstop-rX onto the adhesive. There’s nothing else like it. ): Waterstop-RX 101 are o forma rectangulara (25 mm x 19 mm x 5 m lungime) Waterstop-RX 101T are o forma trapezoidala (31 mm x 12 mm x 6 m lungime) fiind protejat si ranforsat la exterior cu un film din material plastic ce ii confera o rezistenta Waterstop-RX a fost testat cu succes de laboratoare independente la presiuni hidrostatice de peste 60 m coloana de apa, atat in imersie continua cat si la cicluri umed/uscat. 3 created via: HPDC Online Builder HPD UNIQUE IDENTIFIER: 948199294976 CLASSIFICATION: 03 15 13. Waterstop-RX 101 is extruded in a rectangular shape measuring 1”x3/4”x16’8” (25mm x * Waterstop-RX® apribojamas betono siūlėje ir nenaudojamas ant lanksčių paviršių. CetseaL may be Tipiska WATERSTOP-RX® pamatu blīvēšanas shēma Minimālais betona aizsargslānis 75 mm Tērauda armatūra Stiegrotā betona plātne PLĀTNES ŠUVES ŠĶĒRSGRIEZUMS Ieklāt WATERSTOP-RX® visās sienu darba šuvēs Ieklāt WATERSTOP-RX® plātnes / sienu savienojumu vietās WATERSTOP-RX® (min. TECHNICAL DATATECHNICAL DATA FORM: TDS_WATERSTOP-RX_AM_EN_20201214_V1 N A 47. WATERSTOP-RX® 101 is produced in a rectangular shape measuring 25 x 19 mm. Upon contact with water, it expands to form a positive SAFETY DATA SHEET 1. CETSEAL is required to secure WATERSTOP-RX to concrete, metal, or PVC (Pipe) surfaces. 5 mg/m3 1333-86-4) Cetco Waterstop-RX is an expanding strip waterstop designed to stop water ingress through cast-in-place concrete construction joints. For precast concrete applications, contact manu-facturer for product suitability and for any spe - cial installation requirements. Volclay Waterstop RX® is a flexible strip concrete construction joint sealant that provides a permanent watertight seal by expanding upon contract with water. WATERSTOP-RX provides reliable, cost-effective water infiltration protection at concrete joints and contains no Volatile Organic WATERSTOP-RX is designed to replace passive PVC/rubber dumbbell waterstops, thereby eliminating the requirement of special pieces, split-forming and seam welding. bvekchwoaidpgnxmekutmkasfqgxbhxfbnuhbsguucapnivbqnlizsyciqydrxbjmdrdzfuyshxzkcyy