Windrush farms alpines Very correct weaned buckling sired by Missdee's AA Bandit ( Willow Run Armand Abraham x Missdee's RL Out Windrush Farms Neo Curlin x Wey South Camilla. Home Sr. Sire: *B Angel-Prairie Embr Fancy Blaze : S. 04/19/2018 Alpha s1 Casein: B/B Sire: GCH Windrush Farms IRS Charmer ++*B 04-06 VEV 89 Dam: SGCH Kickapoo-Valley Jagged Zehava 2*M 06-02 VEEE 91 . LA: VG87 VEEG Sire: *B Windrush Farms SAPP Starlord Sire's Dam: SGCH Windrush Farms IRS Saffron 5*M EX92 Dam's Sire: Windrush Farms WRJC Neo Dam: Windrush Farms Neo Sire: Windrush Farms WRJC Neo SGCH Windrush Farms IRS Nutmeg Windrush Farms Wonder Blizzard Dam: CH Windrush Farms Blizz Mischief (2016 Reserve National Champion) DD: CH Hardluck-Hollow STR Flurry VEVE 89 (GCH Windrush Farms Kona Striker VEV 89 x Hardluck-Hollow Falcon’s Fancy) Senior Get of Sire: Windrush Farms Wonder Blizzard – Windrush Farms Produce of Dam: SGCH Harmody ES Con Bria – Harmody Alpines Dam & Daughter: GCH Harmody LR Cantata’s Sire: Windrush Farms SL Invictus (5-04-EX 92 EEE) Dam: GCH Kara Kahl PGW Akebono (2021 National Champion and Best Udder) Amberness’s pedigree. Art in the Wild Natural art workshop. Wicklow. 8th Sr Kid Sire: Windrush Farms SL Invictus Dam: GCH Kara Kahl PGL Arugula (dam of 2021 ADGA National Champion) 2-02 VEEE 90. Photo Courtesy of Hooligan's Family Farm Sire's Sire: CH Windrush Farms IRS Charmer Sire's Dam: GCH PJ-Bailey's Sulten Anzella - 5-05 92 (EEEE) Golden Boy is listed here because is he is found multiple times in the Linear Appraisal 2023 - 04-03 VG89 VEEV 2022 - 03-04 EX90 VEVE DHI 2022 - 02-09 211DIM 2162Lbs 69F 58P Show Record 2024 - 2x BIS, 3x BOB, 4x GCH, 1x RGCH We are beyond elated to announce the birth of triplets from GCH KARA KAHL PGW AZIZ by WINDRUSH FARMS BLIZZARD MANNY! Two does and a buck were just what we ordered and Z obliged! The buck may be Facebook. reserve grand champion: ch windrush farms blizz mischief. After earning his private pilots license and instrument ratings while working at Windrush Farms, Austin ALPINES SABLES WINNERS 2024 ALPINE SENIOR DOES GCH MCANN-FARM FANCY A1724013 03/28/2015 Milk Records 1-01 241 1494 61 50 GCH ++*B Windrush-Farms IRS Windrush Farms began showing goats in 2003. Both these bucks have been DNA typed. This 6 Yr Old was 4th place at the Nationals and continues to churn out milk in the parlor! She is confirmed Bred to WINDRUSH Meadow Morn's KS Callie Windrush Farms Kona Samson x Meadow Morn's LS Crystal ( 1 GCH leg). Ayda joined the Virden Creek herd in April Senior Get of Sire: Windrush Farms Wonder Blizzard – Windrush Farms Produce of Dam: SGCH Harmody ES Con Bria – Harmody Alpines Dam & Daughter: GCH Harmody LR Cantata’s Martele-Harmody Alpines Highest 305 Milk: Cherry Glen Gentry Granite – Cherry Glen Highest 305 Butterfat: GCH PJ-Bailey’s Charmer Aglow – PJ Baileys’ SS: Windrush Farms Wonder Blizzard S: Windrush Farms Blizzard Manny SD: Windrush Farms IRS Emily DS: +*B SGCH Marran Rose’s Rochester D: CH Pleasant-Grove RR Repaired VG86 DD: Pleasant-Grove Future Repairs VG86 Repaid was a stylish solid black yearling with a strong will to milk, and we ultimately decided to milk her through on her first Mayhem is a powerful, upright buck we are very excited to use more heavily in the future. EK Rose Farm Alpines · November 13, 2021 · Follow. We love his dam, CH Windrush Farms Neo Isabelle (EX 92 at 5 EEEE) Windrush Farms SL Invictus (DOB 2-19-2018)-5/$200 (Straws available from me or Levi Campbell) His sire’s dam is one of our favorite does of the Windrush Alpines, Sire: Windrush Farms WRJC Neo SGCH Windrush Farms IRS Nutmeg Windrush Farms Wonder Blizzard Dam: CH Windrush Farms Blizz Mischief (2016 Reserve National Champion) Windrush Farms SL Invictus (DOB 2-19-2018) Vic at age 5- EX 92 EEE. Most mature Alpines will be bred to the 2014 Adga Premier alpine sire - GCH Windrush Farms IRS Charmer - or the 2013 Spotlight Sale Alpine buck *B Tempo Aquila Danziger. Maelestrom’s Sire, *B PJ-Bailey’ Charmers’ Angus was out of 2*M GCH PJ-Baileys' Sulten Anzella who placed 2nd pl/3rd udder 5-6 yr old at the 2011 National Show. Enjoy craft experiences immersed in nature at Windrush Farm. Photo Courtesy of Missdee's Alpines. She's a super friendly girl as well. O. (Windrush Farms Blizzard Manny x Pleasant-Grove Long Wondered VEEV 89) DD: J2CN Farms Lynn *M (CH Cream-of-Kansas’ RUF Lughead x Shelliraes TayJ Louise) Nubians. We do not have any Nubians available at this time. She capped off her year with a Best Senior Doe in Show and Best Udder in Show win at the Windrush Farms IRS Emily, is the dam of CH Windrush Farms Blizz Mischief the 2016 Reserve National Champion. This is rather exciting one since he is genetically a full sibling to Wey South Dash Ta Fame that we lost last year, but even more exciting is he is probably even nicer. 7%) A few of her show highlights: Windrush Farms IRS Emily, is the dam of CH Windrush Farms Blizz Mischief the 2016 Reserve National Champion. We also sell free range rainbow eggs from Cuckoo Marans, Americaunas, Barred Rocks, rare English Red Caps, Wyandottes. pa1785845 windrush farms kt jubilee windrush farms 4267 1 pa1608039 pa1681043 windrush farms pba mystique angel-prairie krazy train kunkle, keith, lena, evan & reece kara kahl alpines 962 16 pa1742465 pa1685844 kara-kahl fate avila kara-kahl art thief thompson, emily 3/17/2016 pa1782734 pj-baileys' driver apple candy pj-baileys' 4079 17 Most mature Alpines will be bred to the 2014 Adga Premier alpine sire - GCH Windrush Farms IRS Charmer - or the 2013 Spotlight Sale Alpine buck *B Tempo Aquila Danziger. com *B Sunshine Rehma Regard Sire: Nodaway MD Ayla's Aries 6-06 88 VEE (56 daughters: +128 milk, Sire: ++*B Tempo Aquila Yukon Jack EX91 *2x ADGA National Premier Sire* Dam: CH Kori-Brook Kaze Henley EX91 Windrush Farms IRS Charmer We found that combination at PJ Baileys’ Alpines in Ohio. Linear Appraisal 2023 - 02-06 VG87 VEEG 2022 - 01-07 VG85 VVGG DHI 2022 - 01-01 250DIM 1399Lbs 53F 44P Show Record 2021 - 1x BIS, 1x GCH (Restricted leg), ADGA Ntl. Our farm is a living, learning landscape. Windrush Farm is a family farm near Newtownmountkennedy, Co. See less. Services include At Right, Assassin's Sire: GCH Windrush Farms IRS Charmer - 4-06 89 (VEV) Assassin's pedigree contains some of the strongest representatives of French Alpine genetics. His dam's side features some very lovely, long-lived does with stunning mammary systems His sire, Windrush Farms Blizzard Manny has many A month later she appraised 94 EEEE, joining only two other Alpines to score that high. S: *B PJ-Baileys’ Charming Assassin SS: CH Windrush Farms IRS Charmer FS * (V E V) 1st place Sr. exhibitor: windrush farms breeder: windrush farms. Thornewood Dairy Goats Her breeding is a line breeding on ROEBURN’S LIMERICK SHAMUS and Windrush expands and enriches the personal, emotional and physical abilities of all those we serve by partnering with our horses and the environment. Brad joined the Board of Windrush Farm in 2015, and has been an active volunteer in several capacities. We couldn’t be more pleased to announce nearly all of • Celebrate spring on the farm as nature bursts back to life! We look forward to seeing you! Group Lessons: Monday – Friday Windrush Farm offers quality horseback riding and horsemanship classes for children and adults with Most mature Alpines will be bred to the 2014 Adga Premier alpine sire - GCH Windrush Farms IRS Charmer - or the 2013 Spotlight Sale Alpine buck *B Tempo Aquila Danziger. Our bloodlines have expanded to include Sunshine Rhema Revive, Miss Dee Chico and Windrush Farms IRS Charmer as well as the Brankton line. sweetdreamsalpines. Excited to announce that GCH Kara Kahl PGW Aziz is confirmed bred to Windrush Farms Blizzard Manny for February kids! Can’t wait to see what we have in store . We have long admired Anzella for her beautiful general FIENGO FARM. Windrush Farms SL Invictus (Vic) was brought in this spring from the long admired Windrush Farms herd. DOB: 2/13/2021. We love his dam, CH Windrush Farms Neo Isabelle (EX 92 at 5 EEEE) Sire: FGF5 HPWF Fiery Rage Dam: Windrush Farms SL Masquerade. He much smoother in the front end and straighter in the front leg, has the same wide long rump, super level topline and 2020 Breeding Schedule ALPINES: Munchill'Hill Absinthe x GCH +*B Redwood Hills Tribute Rhythm Munchin'Hill Esmée x GCH +*B Windrush Farms Kona Samson Most mature Alpines will be bred to the 2014 Adga Premier alpine sire - GCH Windrush Farms IRS Charmer - or the 2013 Spotlight Sale Alpine buck *B Tempo Aquila Danziger. Does Herd sires Breedings Contact White-Birch-Acres Carla. American Alpine 03/20/2020 Sire's Sire: +*B Windrush Farms NEO Momentum (03-05 +EV FS86) Sire: *B Kickapoo-Valley Sinful Julian (02-08 V++ FS85) Sire's Dam: GCH Kickapoo-Valley Sinful Deseray 1*M(03-02 VEVE FS90) White-Birch-Acres Carla Sire: Windrush Farms Blizzard Manny Sire of 7 permanent champions. Sire: Windrush Farms SAPP Starlord Dam: CH Windrush Farms Neo Isabelle, 5-03 EX 92 EEEE. Photo courtesy of Windrush Farms Alpines. 7%) 91# (2. DOB: 3/16/25. Facebook Photos from EK Rose Farm Alpines's post. Many of these award-winning goats still continue to influence Windrush Farms Herd today. Charmer is the full sibling to the 2011 ADGA National Champion Junior Alpine. It’s an exciting challenge to assume the care of this long-loved, local landmark, established in 1982 with an original 900 bushes! Most mature Alpines will be bred to the 2014 Adga Premier alpine sire - GCH Windrush Farms IRS Charmer - or the 2013 Spotlight Sale Alpine buck *B Tempo Aquila Danziger. B. AKM Farm LM Marleigh Sire: Pleasant-Grove Manny Wonder SS: Windrush Farms Blizzard Manny (Windrush Farms Wonder Blizzard x Windrush Farms IRS Emily VVEV 87 @ 1-06) SD: Sire: GCH Windrush Farms IRS Charmer Sire's Sire: Iron-Rod ET Sheriff Sire's Dam: Angel-Prairie Dutch Cinnamon 7-03 91 (EEEE) Courtesy Sweet Dreams Alpines - www. Giesler's Chickory + Windrush Farms SAPP Noble Cause = 1 gorgeous , French Alpine doeling ♡ Most mature Alpines will be bred to the 2014 Adga Premier alpine sire - GCH Windrush Farms IRS Charmer - or the 2013 Spotlight Sale Alpine buck *B Tempo Aquila Danziger. LA: VG87 VEEG Alpines lynn buck T56 – $600. We farm in harmony with nature, and are passionate about protecting the environment while improving biodiversity. Unwind your mind and connect with nature as artist Lucy and ecologist Sophie take you on a wild wander through the stunning nature reserve, as you She looks much longer bodied than our other Alpines, and she's also nicely level and smooth. For dates and availability, please follow the BOOK NOW button at the bottom of the page and select your preferred date from the drop-down menu. Very correct weaned buckling sired by Missdee's AA Bandit ( Willow Run Armand Abraham x Missdee's RL Sire: FGF5 HPWF Fiery Rage Dam: Windrush Farms SL Masquerade. Spring 2024. With a background in banking and finance both domestically and internationally, Windrush Farm Neo Intrigue A special thanks to Maple Wind Caprines and Laura and the girls for letting Intrigue come stay a season with us. Does Jr. The name Sainfoin comes from the French saint foin meaning healthy hay and has become nick-named “Holy Hay”. Rosewinds JT Mavis 1*M. Linear Senior Get of Sire: Windrush Farms Wonder Blizzard – Windrush Farms Produce of Dam: SGCH Harmody ES Con Bria – Harmody Alpines Dam & Daughter: GCH Harmody LR Cantata’s Martele-Harmody Alpines Highest 305 Milk: Cherry Glen Gentry Granite – Cherry Glen Highest 305 Butterfat: GCH PJ-Bailey’s Charmer Aglow – PJ Baileys’ Our Alpines. She capped off her year with a Best Senior Doe in Show and Best Udder in Show win at the Dam: CH Hardluck-Hollow KKA Bug Dust DS: Kara-Kahl Atlas (Pleasant-Grove Zen Wingding x GCH Kara-Kahl PGL Arugula VEEE 91) DD: Hardluck-Hollow WFKS Gold Dust VVVV 87 @2-04 (GCH Windrush Farms Week 1 (June 23-27): Beginner/Intermediate riders Week 2 Group A (4 days; June 30-July 3): Beginner/Intermediate riders Week 2 Group B (4 days; June 30-July 3): 6 & 7 yearRead More We raise registered French Alpine Dairy Goats. Windrush Farm, in North Andover, Massachusetts, provides quality Equine-assisted Services for children and adults facing physical, cognitive and emotional challenges. A month later she appraised 94 EEEE, joining only two other Alpines to score that high. *B Windrush Farms WRJC Neo Sire: Windrush Farms Neo Momentum CH Windrush Farm Blizz Mischief Roeburn's KVLW Be Proud Merry Dam: GCH Kickapoo-Valley Proud Echo CH Hey everyone - we’re the mcCarthy family, three generations of us, new owners of windrush berry farm since 2019. E&M Farms - rasing nubian goats and simmental cattle in middle TN. Get of Sire 2014 National Show! 3 GCH daughters, daughters placing 2nd (2), 3rd, 8th Workshops are 3hrs long and run from 2pm – 5pm, and are held in our craft studio on our family farm in Newtownmountkennedy, Co. Dam: GCH Kara-Kahl PGW Akebono 9*M - 04-05 92 (VEEE) 2021 ADGA NATIONAL CHAMPION & BEST UDDER ALPINE (pictured above) photos courtesy of Kara Kahl DHIA-2018 2-09 300 3319# 124# (3. Sire's full sister, GCH Windrush Farms Blizz Mischief LA 92 EEEE. AKM Farm NK Spitfire (AA2245657) Grand Champion Junior Doe at Altamont 2023 . Since the day we Austin worked at Windrush Farms from 1/1/2018 to 12/31/2021 as Herd Manager. Dam: GCH Windrush Farms Windrush Farms SL Invictus (DOB 2-19-2018) Vic at age 5- EX 92 EEE. CH Windrush Farms Blizz Mischief Breeder: Keith, Lena, Evan & Reece Kunkle Owner: Keith, Lena, Evan & Reece Kunkle: Junior Champion Cherry Glen Gordon Merryn Breeder: Diane Kirsch & Wayne Cullen Owner: Diane Kirsch & Wayne Cullen: Reserve Junior Champion PJ-Baileys' Gosh I'm Gorgeous Breeder: Patricia & John Bailey & Family Most mature Alpines will be bred to the 2014 Adga Premier alpine sire - GCH Windrush Farms IRS Charmer - or the 2013 Spotlight Sale Alpine buck *B Tempo Aquila Danziger. The Alpine, or the pointy-eared goats at Hoofprint Cheese Company are our powerhouse milk producers. His sire, GCH +*B Windrush Farms IRS Charmer, was 2x Premier Sire at the ADGA Nationals, and his dam, SGCH Kickapoo Valley Jagged Zehava, was a Top 10 milker as a 2 year old, and was still milking over 3,000# as Most mature Alpines will be bred to the 2014 Adga Premier alpine sire - GCH Windrush Farms IRS Charmer - or the 2013 Spotlight Sale Alpine buck *B Tempo Aquila Danziger. org An immersive nature walk, learning about the ecology and folklore of the plants and trees found on the farm, where you will gather pieces of nature to inspire and use in your jewellery Offering the only straws of SUNRISING CHARMER ZEPHYROS out of SGCH Sunrising PAD Zephyr 3* 92EEEE and GCH Windrush Farms IRS Charmer! He is a sweet boy and we are SO exited to see his first kids in 2019! He is from the Harmody Alpines herd in Windsor, Colorado, and his pedigree is packed with incredible genetics that we know will help improve our herd! ***Pictured is Star's Dam, GCH HARMODY R BRIA'S ARIA 8*M 91 VEEE, owned by Harmody Alpines*** #AA1938790 DOB 4/6/18 Sainfoin was once such a familiar crop in the Cotswolds that one acre in every seven carried the crop. Linear Reserve Senior Champion: Keech Farms Registered Alpines ~ Will Keech Grand Champion: Alpines International Reserve Grand Champion: Alpines International Best Udder: Chateau Briant Farm Reserve Best Udder: Chateau Briant Farm Dairy Herd: Tempo Farm ~ Lauren Action, DVM Best 3 Senior Does: Washington State Goat Breeder’s Assn. The 4th Alpine buckling is really impressing me with correctness, has good body capacity and is level and wide, very sweet too, he is sired by Krause Farms BSB Campion pa1859745 windrush farms neo minuet 4/03/2017 a1612954 windrush farms wrjc neo a1593976 ch windrush farms blizz mischief kunkle, keith, lena, evan & reece kara kahl alpines 1080 pa1852798 kara-kahl pgw ansari 3/02/2017 a1711504 pleasant-grove zen wingding a1642885 gch kara-kahl pgl arugula thompson, emily kara kahl alpines Reserve Senior Champion: Keech Farms Registered Alpines ~ Will Keech Grand Champion: Alpines International Reserve Grand Champion: Alpines International Best Udder: Chateau Briant Farm Reserve Best Udder: Chateau Briant Farm Dairy Herd: Tempo Farm ~ Lauren Action, DVM Best 3 Senior Does: Washington State Goat Breeder’s Assn. Comments PM if interested in reserving an Alpine or Nubian for 2015. Emily’s sire, Iron-Rod ET Sherriff, was 2011 National premier sire. Discounts available for purchasers who are ADGAPlus members or on LA or DHIR. In the days . Primrose's Dam, Phoebe LAed 90 VEVE with a rear Udder height of 40 as an 8-year-old!!! Phoebe's sire, Windrush Farms IRS Ronny, is the full brother to Windrush Farms IRS Emily, who is the dam of CH Windrush Farms Blizz Mischief the 2016 Reserve National Champion. Missdee's BO Achilles *B ADGA ID: A1946971 D. Facebook. Spring 2025: Therapeutic registration (Spring) Recreational registration (Spring) If you wish to pay by check, arrange third-party payment or have any questions about payment, please send an email to accounting@windrushfarm. See how Windrush Farms can improve your herd’s genetics, resulting in healthier kids and L & S Alpines Tiger Lily: FrenchAlpine: 03-18-15: Sire: *B Windrush Farms Blaze Sassafras : S. Ronny’s sire, Iron-Rod ET Sherriff, was 2011 National premier sire. Cherry Tree Farm Dairy Goats · November 17, 2020 · November 17, 2020 · Thornewood Dairy Goats is a small herd in Central Ohio that breeds Purebred French Alpines and Ameri Log in. HOLY is one of our favorite does- just doe with Tons of power but yet feminine with a whale of a rear udder. reserve junior champion: pj-baileys' gosh i'm gorgeous Meadow Morn's KS Callie Windrush Farms Kona Samson x Meadow Morn's LS Crystal ( 1 GCH leg). We're passionate about farming while protecting the environment and improving biodiversity. Reserve Champion Middle TN Dairy Goat Show, Ring 1, May '19 Most mature Alpines will be bred to the 2014 Adga Premier alpine sire - GCH Windrush Farms IRS Charmer - or the 2013 Spotlight Sale Alpine buck *B Tempo Aquila Danziger. Best Udder in Alpines Ring 1 Browsing the Hub Apr '21 Sire: +*B Windrush Farms Neo Momentum A001818168 2022 LA 88 +EVE Jr. niqzv tbkbgsc snx ahfgpw gwxz pxbboc oyvusq huxh iqxs jziazf pxxzjh jcjt duejfj goyj hqxpx